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Fertiggestellt am 31 / 03 / 2018
$ 4,317
$ 3,007
$ 3,913
58 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend $ 11

    Appreciation on the Web

    Your name will appear in the acknowledgments section of the website 'We Lend a Hand' and also on our social networks

    > 10 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend $ 38

    Name and photo at the webpage of We Lend a Hand

    Your name with your photo will appear in the PARTNERS part of the project on the website of We Lend a Hand. It will also be on our social networks.

    > 08 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend $ 54

    Your digital photo with your name and project logo

    You will receive a digital photo with the project logo and your name. In addition, your name with your photo will appear in the PARTNERS part of the project on the website of 'We Lend a Hand'. It will also be on our social networks.

    > 09 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend $ 108

    Customized photomontage

    You will receive a montage with photos of the trip personalized with your name or your logo if you are a company. You will also receive a digital photo with the project logo and your name. In addition, your name with your photo will appear in the PARTNERS part of the project on the website of We Lend a Hand. It will also be on our social networks.

    > 03 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend $ 323

    Customized video

    You will receive a personalized video to your name or your logo, made with photos and videos recorded during the trip. This donation makes you a SPONSOR of the project and your logo will appear on the 'We Lend a Hand' website for 6 months. You will receive a digital photo with the project logo and your name. In addition, your name with your photo will appear in the PARTNERS part of the project on the website of We Lend a Hand and it will also be on our social networks.

    > 00 Kofinanzierer

¡¡ Rifas !!

27 | 02 | 2018

Hola a todos,

Para ayudar en la campaña del proyecto, hemos hecho una rifa. Son 200 números y cada papeleta cuesta 2, euros.

Los premios hemos conseguido con amigas que donaran algunas cosas. Además de dueñas de clinicas de estética y peluquería que donaran servicios como manicuras, tratamiento del pelo, limpieza de la piel etc.

Os dejo aquí los carteles de esta acción para que tengáis una idea de todo lo que estamos haciendo. El sorteo de los números será en directo a través de Facebook y haremos un bingo. Creo que será divertido.

Una vez más muchas gracias por vuestra aportación. Es muy importante para nosotras cada grano de arena que recebemos.

Un saludo,

We Lend a Hand Team


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