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Fertiggestellt am 31 / 03 / 2018
$ 4,338
$ 3,022
$ 3,932
58 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend $ 11

    Appreciation on the Web

    Your name will appear in the acknowledgments section of the website 'We Lend a Hand' and also on our social networks

    > 10 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend $ 38

    Name and photo at the webpage of We Lend a Hand

    Your name with your photo will appear in the PARTNERS part of the project on the website of We Lend a Hand. It will also be on our social networks.

    > 08 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend $ 54

    Your digital photo with your name and project logo

    You will receive a digital photo with the project logo and your name. In addition, your name with your photo will appear in the PARTNERS part of the project on the website of 'We Lend a Hand'. It will also be on our social networks.

    > 09 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend $ 108

    Customized photomontage

    You will receive a montage with photos of the trip personalized with your name or your logo if you are a company. You will also receive a digital photo with the project logo and your name. In addition, your name with your photo will appear in the PARTNERS part of the project on the website of We Lend a Hand. It will also be on our social networks.

    > 03 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend $ 325

    Customized video

    You will receive a personalized video to your name or your logo, made with photos and videos recorded during the trip. This donation makes you a SPONSOR of the project and your logo will appear on the 'We Lend a Hand' website for 6 months. You will receive a digital photo with the project logo and your name. In addition, your name with your photo will appear in the PARTNERS part of the project on the website of We Lend a Hand and it will also be on our social networks.

    > 00 Kofinanzierer

Über dieses Projekt

Organize trips of volunteers to Ethiopia to help women and children. It is necessary to finance the start-up trip of the Project

Bedarf Infrastruktur Minimum Optimum
Plane tickets
Three airline tickets Madrid-Addis Ababa-Madrid
$ 1,300
Stay at Hosanna
Accommodation and meals in Hosanna (5 nights - 30 euros / day / person) (Three people)
$ 487
Stay at Addis Ababa
Bed and breakfast in Addis Ababa (1 night - 15 euros / person) (three people)
$ 49
Transportation in Addis Ababa
Transportation in Addis Ababa
$ 76
Transport from Addis Abbeba to Hosanna
Transport from Addis Abbeba to Hosanna for three people
$ 108
Travel Insurance
Travel Insurance to Ethiopia for three people (One week)
$ 504
Food and transport in Addis Ababa
Lunch and dinner in Addis Ababa (three people) and transportation
$ 217
Tourist Visa for Ethiopia
Three tourist visas in Ethiopia
$ 260
Miscellaneous expenses
Vaccines, pills and any other emergency or need during the trip
$ 542
Bedarf Aufgabe Minimum Optimum
GOTEO commission
GOTEO commission (4%)
$ 146
PayPal commission
PayPal commission (3,4%+ 0,35 euro per transaction) : 3,4% of 2.665 euro + 0,35 euro*100
$ 135
Campaign of Marketing in social networks
Campaign of Marketing in social networks to obtain financing
$ 108
Gesamt $ 3,022 $ 3,932

Allgemeine Informationen

We want to take volunteers to Ethiopia because I already have the approval of the Hosanna Bishopric, which is the area where we are going to start working. For this we have to organize the logistics and we need to visit Ethiopia for a week to complete the details. This first trip is the object of the financing that we are requesting.

In this first trip to Ethiopia we will improve the knowledge of the facilities that I visited in my previous visit, the logistics of the trips and the exact determination of costs. We will capture images for the promotion of the program and to show more details about this special country that is Ethiopia. The better we know the project, the better we can convince our volunteers.

I work with images and from the beginning my idea was to go to Africa to photograph and film what I saw there to tell the world that it is necessary to help. Everything that we are going to live there and all the groups that we are going to send to Ethiopia after this first trip, have as secondary mission, to film and photograph the works and the experiences in the place. The more we show the world that there are ways to improve and help these people, the more people will be interested in the subject and mobilized.

Finalizing this first campaign and having very clear all the necessary logistics for the development of the program in Ethiopia, we have already planned the second part of the project that we are going to offer to future volunteers.


The Hosanna region needs support from volunteers to improve the living conditions of women and children in the area.

The objective of this first trip to Ethiopia is to specify the logistical details and the program that we will offer to future volunteers.
Ethiopia is not a very easy country in terms of transportation, accommodation and food. For this reason we are going there the three participants of the group, to complete all the information necessary for the assembly of the program. We will be two psychologists and one Child Advisor and together we will set up a project to bring volunteers to help women and children in their needs.

I do not know if my project is different from the others, but I do know that I need it to succeed because for me it has particularly become my life project.

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Warum das wichtig ist

In my previous trip to Ethiopia I had the opportunity to visit some solidarity projects where I saw the real situation of the Ethiopian women and children in the Hosanna area. The need for help is great and the volunteers are more than necessary.

This project aims to establish repeated programs throughout the year to bring volunteers who can help with the necessary tasks for periods of 10 to 15 days.

The motivation to mount this project came after my trip to Ethiopia. I met a wonderful and extremely generous country. Ethiopia, despite its poverty, is the country that receives the most refugees in Africa. Visiting the projects there, I realized that if we help, we can improve the lives of the people in the area. With this project we hope to move other women who are supportive and hopeful like us, and that these women are willing to tell the world, as we do, that it is possible to help improve the quality of life of these people.


Team und Erfahrung

About us

We are a total of four women, three of which would travel in this first visit to organize and structure the entire program. The logistics have to be very clear to guarantee the success of what we are proposing. And the fourth participant is a specialist in Online Marketing who will be responsible for the promotion and dissemination of the project on social networks. With her help , we will get more support so that the project reaches its final objective.

Daniela Marcolla I am the creator of the project, editor of videos, formed at the University in psychology and tourism. I have worked for 8 years in an international company that is dedicated to organizing exchanges and thanks to this I know the logistics of the organization of international group travels.

Collaborate with me on this project

Yaiza Sánchez - Born in Madrid, Brazilian mother and Spanish father. After finishing the career in Psychology he lived a season in Belgium and currently resides in England.
She is a committed person and fully aware of her responsibility with the work she does. Over the years, she has had the opportunity to collaborate with various volunteers in different countries, both with children and with adults. This has allowed her to open her mind and acquire new useful skills for this project.
When I proposed her to collaborate with We Lend A Hand, she knew that we had the potential to do something great and precious. The illusion that she has with this project, the experience and the help that we obtain makes her think that We Lend A Hand will be a true entity of transformation of the feminine reality in Ethiopia.

She says: "We will work to help vulnerable people within their own community. Our organization will be involved and committed to correct existing needs within the collective objectives. Our voluntary and solidary participation is based on a constant dialogue whose essential objective is to awaken and generate, in the person, the ability to mobilize to the solution of their problems".

Yvonne - Born and raised in Birmingham, she works as a Child Advisor. She has always felt that her path in life was to improve the situation of the most disadvantaged. Although it is often hard, she loves her job and when she was asked to be part of this project she knew it was the next step. She believes that, with the right tools, we can improve the inequality suffered by many communities and that is precisely what we are looking for in We Lend a Hand, making the opportunities to grow personally and socially accessible.

Caroline Timm - Brazilian, born in Porto Alegre, capital of the 'gauchos' in the South of Brazil.
She says:
"Since I was little I accompanied my grandfather and my mother who have been politicians at the time and maintained communication in the street with the less favored citizens, and I was there with them, this is a value that I appreciate that I have been taught since childhood, to be assertive and see the social reality that are social differences.
Since then, this solidary work has come to the fore in my heart and I have understood how much we have to do to have a better world.
I have volunteered in various social causes, such as at the World Social Forum in Porto Alegre, and in many non-profit projects in Madrid for Brazilian children and women.
I am a publicist and specialized in Digital Marketing, I believe a lot in social networks and the power that we can distribute, raise awareness and mobilize a large number of people with a nice message of support to help women in Ethiopia.
Being in the team of We Lend A Hand is being and will be very nice and I am sure that we will achieve our goals that is to help, help and help this very delicate population that is very disadvantaged that is the Ethiopia.

Muluneh Tesfaye - this is our partner from Ethiopia. He has sent us this letter to prove his interest and participation in the program.

                                                                                             TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN

Subject: Letter of interest to support and collaborate in volunteers project
I am very much happy to notify my interest to support and collaborate in the volunteers’ project Daniel has been designing to implement in our area in particular and in Ethiopia in general. It is highly relevant to our area and will be of a great help for the community here.
I believe that my studies and work experience background is highly relevant and appropriate to the support this project would be looking. I was graduated with MSc degree in Rural Development and Planning from Wolaita Soddo University, BA degree in accounting from Rift Valley University, Advanced diploma in Philosophy from Capuchin Franciscan Institute of Philosophy and Theology and completion of 4 years Theological studies. I have completed all with very high distinction (Magna Cum laude).
I have got over 12 years of experience in different institutes. I have worked for over 3 years as teacher at 3 different Catholic schools institutes. I have also worked as program manager of Family Helper program supported by Christian Child fund of Canada through Ethiopian Catholic Church Social and Development Commission coordinating office of Soddo-Hosanna, where I have organized and facilitated number of trainings. I have been working as Social and Development Coordinator of Ethiopian Catholic Church – Social & Development Commission coordinating office of Hosanna from June, 2010 to December 31, 2014 and as Executive Development Coordinator from January 1, 2015 to present in the same organization. In the latter two positions I have been responsible to building partnership with donor and the institutions and congregations under the Organization, which need coordination, facilitation, representation, technical assistance, capacity building and monitoring as my prime role with them.
I have also facilitated number of training on programs designing and management and fund raising. I have got command experience on facilitating trainings, budgeting, designing programs, implementing and reporting. I have very good knowledge and skill on humanitarian standards CHS (SPHEER, LEGS, HAP, People in AID etc), complaint handling system establishment, Protection mainstreaming framework.
As personal background I have been brought up in a Christian family until my primary school and got into Catholic mission school and lived and grown up with Capuchin fathers in my local community. Then I was sent to Capuchin seminary and stayed most of my life as friar studying philosophy and theology. When I had decided to leave the friary I joined the Catholic social and development office after completion of my first degree in social science. All my professional life too until now is with different diocese of the Catholic Church in Ethiopia. Thus, all my personal development and professional career has been in and around Catholic Church.

Currently I am working as a Branch Executive director for Ethiopian Catholic Church – Social & Development Commission. I am a member of Caritas Internationalis Accountability Sectoral Working Group (CIASWG) which resides in Rome (Vatican) representing Caritas Ethiopia in particular and Africa in general.

I have been working zealously with poor and poorest of the poor of the community I live and it gives me satisfaction to do the same. The social and economic inequality and stigma due to the same calls me for involvement in any action that can change this situation into better. From this I think any one can easily understand why I am so interested to support and collaborate with your project.

For more information and feedback you can contact me through my address above or contact Capuchin fathers in Ethiopia or people put as reference in my CV.
Sincerely Yours
Muluneh Tesfaye
Branch Executive Director


Apart from our professional experience, the infrastructure that we currently have are the web pages and networks that we will use to promote the project, which are managed by MAGIC WINDOW, a company where I am the Sole Administrator.

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Gesellschaftliches Engagement

Sustainable Development Goals

  • No poverty

    Economic growth must be inclusive to provide sustainable jobs and promote equality.

  • Zero Hunger

    The food and agriculture sector offers key solutions for development, and is central for hunger and poverty eradication.

  • Good Health and Well-Being

    Ensuring healthy lives and promoting the well-being for all at all ages is essential to sustainable development.

  • Quality Education

    Obtaining a quality education is the foundation to improving people’s lives and sustainable development.

  • Sustainable Cities and Communities

    There needs to be a future in which cities provide opportunities for all, with access to basic services, energy, housing, transportation and more.

  • Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

    Access to justice for all, and building effective, accountable institutions at all levels.