Emigra o degenera (I): Bienvenidos a Suecia

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Filed on 03 / 05 / 2014
€ 3.320
€ 5.600
€ 10.600
52 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend € 5

    Mention in social networks

    Public thanks on social networks + Digital certificate of collaboration

    > 07 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend € 15

    Mention on the project website and social networks

    Public thanks for your contribution on the project website and social networks + a digital certificate of participation in the project + we will inform you about the progress and development of the project in a personalized way.

    > 13 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend € 30

    Poster and mention in credits

    We will send you the documentary poster and we will mention you in the credits. You'll stay informed of project development in a personalized way.

    > 14 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend € 60

    Mention in the credits of the documentary

    We will include you in the credits of the documentary. We will inform you about the progress and development of the project in a personalized way.

    > 04 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend € 100

    Digital Copy of the film

    We will send you a digital copy of the work via the Internet + The official production poster + You will be included in the credits + We will thank publicly your contribution through social networking website.

    > 04 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend € 200

    DVD copy

    We'll send you a copy of the DVD + The official production poster + You will be included in the credits + We will thank publicly your contribution through social networking website created ad hoc.

    > 00 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend € 500


    You will be included as a sponsor of the documentary and associate producer + We will also send you a copy of the DVD + The official poster production + We'll include you in the credits of the documentary and we will publicly thank your help through the social networking. We will respond your doubts and information requests in a personal way.

    > 02 Kofinanzierer

"La policía sueca nos identificó veintidós veces" / Swedish police approached us twenty-two times"

17 | 04 | 2014

Select "English" in the subtitle settings video player (bottom right corner) to access a translation of the interview.

Entrevista al periodista Ferran Barber acerca de los nuevos flujos europeos de emigración. A partir de un trabajo realizado en Suecia, el reportero concluye que el Viejo Continente está dando respuestas tribales al problema estructural de la pobreza y está culpando al inmigrante de la situación injusta que lo ha arrojado a las cunetas del sistema. En su opinión, la xenofobia y el fascismo está cobrando aliento en toda Europa. El caso de Suecia es paradigmático: una formación politica de inspiración nazi se ha convertido en su tercera fuerza parlamentaria y lo que es peor, su Gobierno conservador está haciendo suyas buena parte de sus ideas sobre la emigración. La xenofobia penetra instituciones como la propia policía.

BARBER forma parte de un equipo de periodistas de investigación y trabaja en la actualidad en una serie de documentales cuya finalidad es retratar a los nuevos emigrantes y sus países de destino. Puede contribuirse a esta iniciativa a través de


Interview with journalist Ferran Barber about the new European migration flows. Select "English" in the subtitle settings video player (bottom right corner) to access a translation of the interview.

From an audiovisual work in Sweden, the reporter concludes that Europe is giving tribal responses to the structural problem of poverty. In his view, Europe 's blaming migrants for the unfair situations that have forced them to pack. Swedish case is paradigmatic of how fascism is gaining encouragement throughout Europe: a political party of Nazi inspiration has become the third parliamentary force and what is worse, its conservative government has partially appropriated its ideas about migration. Xenophobia penetrates institutions such as the police.

BARBER is currently working on a documentary series whose purpose is to portray the new European migrants and the socio-political situation in their countries of destination. You can contribute to this project by donating funds:



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