Sauti ya wakulima

Filed on 11 / 02 / 2012
£ 360
£ 3,895
£ 5,471
18 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 8

    Proof of sponsorship

    Your name will appear in the credits of the web page, and you will also receive regular updates about the project.

    > 03 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 17

    Postcard signed by the participants of Sauti ya wakulima

    All of the above, plus a beautiful postcard from Tanzania, signed by the participants of Sauti ya wakulima.

    > 05 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 21

    On-line tutoring sessions for starting your own system

    All of the above, plus an on-line, personal tutoring sessions (through email) so that you can set up a mobile knowledge base project similar to Sauti ya wakulima.

    > 06 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 38

    Personal tutoring session for starting your own system

    All of the above, plus a face-to-face tutoring session so that you can set up your own project (limited to Barcelona), or through videoconference.

    > 01 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 85


    All of the above, plus a 2-hour workshop on how to start a project like Sauti ya wakulima.This reward is specially designed for schools or other social or community centers with the basic materials for doing a workshop. If you are outside Barcelona, you will be asked to pay for some of the travel expenses.

    > 00 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 846

    Full system installation

    All of the above, plus a full, personalized installation and test drive of the system on your server. If you are outside Barcelona, you will be asked to pay for some of the travel expenses.

    > 00 Kofinanzierer

Sauti ya wakulima en GPS Museum!

17 | 01 | 2012
Sauti ya wakulima en GPS Museum!

Sauti ya wakulima ha sido incluido en GPS Museum, una base de datos de trabajos creativos y artísticos de locative media. En la página podéis leer:

"El mapa es un asunto político y debería ser nuestro asunto, un proceso permanente de evolución, una multiplicidad de vías para representar la tierra e intercambiar información geolocalizada. El “Big-Bang” de los locative media esta a la vuelta de la esquina y va a cambiar nuestra manera de hacer arte, realizar películas, escribir reportajes,construir aplicaciones educativas."

Y aquí la tenéis:


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