Que cap nen es quedi enrere

Fertiggestellt am 05 / 03 / 2021
£ 7,704
£ 5,075
£ 7,613
55 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 4

    Unes gotes més per arribar a l'objectiu

    • T’AGRAÏM la teva aportació mitjançant una postal electrònica del fotògraf de natura i alumne de l'escola que està entregat a fotografiar la natura i desitja treballar per protegir-la i conservar-la

    > 03 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 8

    A "Thank you"

    • A THANK YOU e-card with an artistic design.

    If your'e resident in Spain, check your tax deduction here.

    > 02 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 21

    Cotton bag

    • A THANK YOU e-card with an artistic design.
    • A cotton bag with our logo that can be picked up at the school

    If your'e resident in Spain, check your tax deduction here.

    > 02 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 34

    Coffee Mug

    • A THANK YOU e-card with an artistic design.
    • A coffee mug with our logo. You can pick it up at the school and we'll give you a tour of the installations.

    If your'e resident in Spain, check your tax deduction here.

    > 02 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 51

    Felt stars

    • A THANK YOU e-card with an artistic design.
    • Handmade felt stars. You can pick them up at the school and we'll give you a tour of the installations.

    If your'e resident in Spain, check your tax deduction here.

    > 07 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 51

    Candle gnomes

    • A THANK YOU e-card with an artistic design.
    • A candle with felt gnomes to lighten the dark. You can pick it up at the school and we'll give you a tour of the installations.

    If your'e resident in Spain, check your tax deduction here.

    > 05 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 51


    • A THANK YOU e-card with an artistic design.
    • One handmade wand. You can pick it up at the school and we'll give you a tour of the installations.

    If your'e resident in Spain, check your tax deduction here.

    > 00 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 51

    Flower Gnomes

    • A THANK YOU e-card with an artistic design.
    • A set of 3 handmade flower gnomes. You can pick it up at the school and we'll give you a tour of the installations.

    If your'e resident in Spain, check your tax deduction here.

    > 03 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 68

    Handmade Mobile

    • A THANK YOU e-card with an artistic design.
    • A handmade mobile. You can pick it up at the school and we'll give you a tour of the installations.

    If your'e resident in Spain, check your tax deduction here.

    > 01 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 68

    Felt toys

    • A THANK YOU e-card with an artistic design.
    • A set of three: Saint George, the Princess and the Dragon. You can pick it up at the school and we'll give you a tour of the installations.

    If your'e resident in Spain, check your tax deduction here.

    > 00 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 68

    Needle felted doll

    • A THANK YOU e-card with an artistic design.
    • One needle felted doll (King of Winter or Queen of Earth). You can pick it up at the school and we'll give you a tour of the installations.

    If your'e resident in Spain, check your tax deduction here.

    > 01 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 85

    Chicken and chicks in a basket

    • A THANK YOU e-card with an artistic design.
    • Chicken and chicks in a basket. Handmade by families in our community. You can pick it up at the school and we'lll give you a tour of the installations.

    If your'e resident in Spain, check your tax deduction here.

    > 04 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 169

    Waldorf related courses

    • A THANK YOU e-card with an artistic design.
    • One course of about 90 min about Waldorf-related conducted by our teachers. Location and format to be confirmed at the end of the campaign.

    Some of the topics may be (to be confirmed):

    • Waldorf pedagogy for preschoolers
    • Development and support to children in primary school
    • Support during adolescence
    • Anthroposophy

    If your'e resident in Spain, check your tax deduction here.

    > 01 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 254

    Doll bed

    • A THANK YOU e-card with an artistic design.
    • Handmade doll and bed. You can pick them up at the school and we'll give you a tour of the installations.

    If you are resident in Spain, check your tax deduction here.*

    > 03 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 254

    Individual session of Art therapy

    • A THANK YOU e-card with an artistic design.
    • One session of Art therapy with one of the therapists of our community, in the area of Bellaterra.

    If your'e resident in Spain, check your tax deduction here.

    > 02 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 423

    Hygienic Eurythmy Series

    • A THANK YOU e-card with an artistic design.
    • One spot for a series of 6 Hygienic Eurythmy group sessions. In each session you'll spend one hour practicing movements to stregthen the body. No experience in Eurythmy is required. Groups will be arranged with all preventive measures in the area of Bellaterra.

    If your'e resident in Spain, check your tax deduction here.

    > 01 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 846


    • A THANK YOU e-card with an artistic design.
    • Up to 5 spots for the first workshop of the series EURYTHMY TO REDUCE STRESS, facilitated by Eritmia Ocupacional.

    Web de Euritmia Ocupacional

    If your'e resident in Spain, check your tax deduction here.

    > 02 Kofinanzierer

Über dieses Projekt

Scholarship for children at Waldorf School El Til·ler, affected by the crisis.

Bedarf Aufgabe Minimum Optimum
Up to 6 months scholarship to finish the school year for one preschooler
£ 1,946
Up to 6 months scholarship to finish the school year for a young student (grades between 1 to 12)
£ 2,326
Crowdfunding Commssions
Goteo commissions of first round
£ 254
Bank Fees
Bank Fees of first round
£ 42
Cost of goods
Craft materials, travel and mailing costs
£ 508
Up to 3 months scholarship for a preschooler's family to address financial situation
£ 973
Up to 3 months scholarship for a young students' family to address financial situation. Grades 1 to 12
£ 1,164
Goteo commissions of second round
£ 127
Bank fees of second round
£ 20
Cost of goods
Craft materials, travel and mailing costs
£ 254
Gesamt £ 5,075 £ 7,613

Allgemeine Informationen

The school is a place of meeting between two generations who teach and learn from each other… a space of reflection where the established order, rather than being perpetuated can instead be renewed, embracing the new evolutionary drives of each new generation.” R.Steiner

Waldorf-Steiner El Til·ler school started with a group of parents and teachers aware that education is the engine of social development

El Til-ler provides an education based on the respect for child development , with an attentive presence of the adult to the child’s needs. The school facilitates the development of the child and young person's own skills and abilities and offers a vibrant and coherent education from early childhood through high school. Waldorf-Steiner El Til·ler School is the only approved school by Department of Education of the Generalitat of Catalunya that offers the full Waldorf Education Curriculum.

The school is a self-financed cooperative with 212 families and teachers since 1999. As an independent and autonnomous organization, the school is self-managed, therefore dependent on the contributions from parents and the teachers’ commitment.

This year, due to the complicated situations caused by COVID-19, some families are going through financial hardship and are having great difficulties maintaining their sons and daughters at school putting their continuance at school at risk, as well as the school’s sustainability.

This is why your collaboration is key to helping these children and young people finish their studies and enter in society as free conscious adults that are willing to improve their environment**, and for families to continue supporting this community.

Thank you for supporting the Waldorf-Steiner School El Til·ler grow strong and flourish.


At the Waldorf-Steiner El Til·ler school community we believe that money should not be a limitation in education, and that education is key to build a healthier and more humane future. Waldorf pedagogy embraces this vision.

We need to respond to the financial hardship of families in our community that are affected by the Covid19 crisis with scholarships that ease their financial pressure and allow their children to stay at school until the end of the school year.

We want to:

  • Ensure that all children that want to stay at the school can do so
  • Help families in need by reducing the school fees during the remainder of the school year (2020-2021)
  • Fund the scholarship program of Waldorf-Steiner El Til·ler school with a minimum of 6.000€ and an optimal of 9.000€

    With 6.000€ we ensure that:

  • 1 preschooler can finish the school year
  • 1 student in primary, secondary or high school can finish the school year

    With 9.000€ we ensure that:

  • 1 preschooler can finish the school year
  • 1 student in primary, secondary or high school can finish the school year
  • 1 preschooler can have financial support for 3 months
  • 1 student in primary, secondary or high school can have financial support for 3 months

Warum das wichtig ist

Waldorf-Steiner El Til·ler school is an alternative the current educational model, it offers an education that is respectful of the child for him to fully realize as an adult. We deeply believe that education is key for a healthier and more humane society.

We’re reaching out to those that, like us, believe that education is a founding pillar of our society and that our educational model fits a shared vision for the future:

  • A society formed by individuals with critical and free thinking,
  • that values art and creativity as elements of transformation,
  • that cares about nature and its fruits,
  • that fosters healthy practices
  • that shows respect and fraternity for everyone
  • with conscious technology use

This campaign honors our value of solidarity by helping families who struggle financially to keep their children at the school.


Team und Erfahrung

Waldorf-Steiner El Til·ler school has over 300 students. 212 families and teachers are part of the cooperative.

The Fund-Raising Committee has been very active in the past years to promote Waldorf pedagogy in Catalonia and particularly providing support to El Til·ler’s consolidation as the only Waldorf school in the region which offers schooling from nursery to High School.

In 2017 the Economic Committee was initiated to respond to financial needs of families and school, and in 2019 the Scholarship Committee was created.


Gesellschaftliches Engagement

Sustainable Development Goals

  • Quality Education

    Obtaining a quality education is the foundation to improving people’s lives and sustainable development.