Projecte Paramythádes

Fertiggestellt am 28 / 07 / 2016
£ 6,014
£ 3,336
£ 9,418
195 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 8

    Gratitude to the coufounders 10

    Public gratitude. Your name or the name of your institution will be published in all the activities as a Paramythádes cofounder. Probably, after the team come back, it will take place an event with the complicity of diferent artists to thank the cofounders collaboration.

    > 36 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 17

    Gratitude to the cofounders 20

    Public gratitude. Your name or the name of your institution will be published in all the activities as a Paramythádes cofounder. Probably, after the team come back, it will take place an event with the complicity of diferent artists to thank the cofounders collaboration.

    > 62 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 34

    Gratitude to the cofounders 40

    Public gratitude. Your name or the name of your institution will be published in all the activities as a Paramythádes cofounder. Probably, after the team come back, it will take place an event with the complicity of diferent artists to thank the cofounders collaboration.

    > 16 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 42

    Gratitude to the cofounders 50

    Public gratitude. Your name or the name of your institution will be published in all the activities as a Paramythádes cofounder. Probably, after the team come back, it will take place an event with the complicity of diferent artists to thank the cofounders collaboration.

    > 20 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 59

    Gratitude to the cofounders 70

    Public gratitude. Your name or the name of your institution will be published in all the activities as a Paramythádes cofounder. Probably, after the team come back, it will take place an event with the complicity of diferent artists to thank the cofounders collaboration.

    > 02 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 84

    Gratitude to the cofounders 100

    Public gratitude. Your name or the name of your institution will be published in all the activities as a Paramythádes cofounder. Probably, after the team come back, it will take place an event with the complicity of diferent artists to thank the cofounders collaboration.

    > 08 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 169

    Gratitude to the cofounders 200

    Public gratitude. Your name or the name of your institution will be published in all the activities as a Paramythádes cofounder. Probably, after the team come back, it will take place an event with the complicity of diferent artists to thank the cofounders collaboration.

    > 02 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 422

    Gratitude to the cofounders 500

    Public gratitude. Your name or the name of your institution will be published in all the activities as a Paramythádes cofounder. Probably, after the team come back, it will take place an event with the complicity of diferent artists to thank the cofounders collaboration.

    > 01 Kofinanzierer

En procés...

21 | 07 | 2016

Estimats comecenes, 

Estem molt contents perquè aquesta setmana hem avançat molta feina! Hem fet trobades diàries per treballar en els tallers i les presentacions, hem posat en comú exercicis, hem fet improvisacions, hem assajat cançons, hem preparat sessions de dansa...  amb el tema de la dansa a més tenim molta sort perquè ens guia i ajuda un gran mestre, el Víctor Rodrigo, el podeu veure a la foto amb les seves alumnes de l'escola Luthier Dansa.

L'altra foto és a Vilanova i la Geltrú, on l'Orfeó Vilanoví ens cedeix un espai. A la foto hi podeu veure tot  l'equip que viatjarem a Grècia, hi falta només el Pau de Nut.... ell prefereix que el conegueu directament aquest diumenge al concert solidari de Fabra i Coats. Vindreu?


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