Projecte Paramythádes

Fertiggestellt am 28 / 07 / 2016
$ 7,727
$ 4,287
$ 12,100
195 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend $ 11

    Gratitude to the coufounders 10

    Public gratitude. Your name or the name of your institution will be published in all the activities as a Paramythádes cofounder. Probably, after the team come back, it will take place an event with the complicity of diferent artists to thank the cofounders collaboration.

    > 36 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend $ 22

    Gratitude to the cofounders 20

    Public gratitude. Your name or the name of your institution will be published in all the activities as a Paramythádes cofounder. Probably, after the team come back, it will take place an event with the complicity of diferent artists to thank the cofounders collaboration.

    > 62 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend $ 43

    Gratitude to the cofounders 40

    Public gratitude. Your name or the name of your institution will be published in all the activities as a Paramythádes cofounder. Probably, after the team come back, it will take place an event with the complicity of diferent artists to thank the cofounders collaboration.

    > 16 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend $ 54

    Gratitude to the cofounders 50

    Public gratitude. Your name or the name of your institution will be published in all the activities as a Paramythádes cofounder. Probably, after the team come back, it will take place an event with the complicity of diferent artists to thank the cofounders collaboration.

    > 20 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend $ 76

    Gratitude to the cofounders 70

    Public gratitude. Your name or the name of your institution will be published in all the activities as a Paramythádes cofounder. Probably, after the team come back, it will take place an event with the complicity of diferent artists to thank the cofounders collaboration.

    > 02 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend $ 109

    Gratitude to the cofounders 100

    Public gratitude. Your name or the name of your institution will be published in all the activities as a Paramythádes cofounder. Probably, after the team come back, it will take place an event with the complicity of diferent artists to thank the cofounders collaboration.

    > 08 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend $ 217

    Gratitude to the cofounders 200

    Public gratitude. Your name or the name of your institution will be published in all the activities as a Paramythádes cofounder. Probably, after the team come back, it will take place an event with the complicity of diferent artists to thank the cofounders collaboration.

    > 02 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend $ 543

    Gratitude to the cofounders 500

    Public gratitude. Your name or the name of your institution will be published in all the activities as a Paramythádes cofounder. Probably, after the team come back, it will take place an event with the complicity of diferent artists to thank the cofounders collaboration.

    > 01 Kofinanzierer

Alegria i Cartell del Concert Solidari Paramythades

17 | 07 | 2016
Alegria i Cartell del Concert Solidari Paramythades

Quina gran alegria! Ahir mentre estàvem reunits treballant en la programació del viatge vam saber que havíem acomplert l'objectiu mínim! Moltíssimes gràcies a tots!! El Projecte Paramythades ja és una realitat, ja fa dies que hi estem treballant i aquesta setmana hem començat a fer-ho de manera més intensiva. Us mantindrem informats...

A més, aquesta setmana celebrarem el Concert Solidari del projecte, la majoria haureu rebut la vostra invitació (si no és així, feu-nos-ho saber deixant un comentari siusplau).

Serà aquest diumenge 24 de juliol: Pau de Nut i Névoa ens oferiran un viatge sonor a través de Grècia a la Fàbrica de Creació Fabra i Coats (C/ Sant Adrià 20, Barceloa). Us hi esperem!

19h - Obertura de portes

19:30h - Xerrada-col·loqui amb Carles Darder (Stop Mare Mortum)

20h - Concert a càrrec de Pau de Nut i Névoa

21:30h - Fi concert. Música fins les 23h.


Hi haurà servei de bar amb beguda i teca durant tota l'estona. Us agraïm si confirmeu l'assistència per poder calcular millor les provisions.

Ah! I us adjuntem el magnífic cartell de l'esdeveniment, realitzat per Manu Croissier i Maria Fernández, uns artistassos!



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