Nou disc d’Ebri Knight - La nostra música us necessita!

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Fertiggestellt am 13 / 08 / 2020
€ 32.038
€ 17.495
€ 30.645
687 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend € 10


    · Thank you notes on the record.

    · Access to exclusive channels of communication during the record’s production: video calls, Instagram private stories and videos exclusive to patrons.

    · Preview of the two music videos.

    · Download the record before its publication.

    > 75 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend € 22


    · Thank you notes on the record.
    · Access to exclusive channels of communication during the record’s production: video calls, Instagram private stories and videos exclusive to patrons.
    · Preview of the two music videos.
    · Download the record before its publication.

    · The physical record, signed by all of Ebri Knight’s members.

    Shipping included

    > 149 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend € 30


    · Thank you notes on the record.
    · Access to exclusive channels of communication during the record’s production: video calls, Instagram private stories and videos exclusive to patrons.
    · Preview of the two music videos.
    · Download the record before its publication.

    · “Som la Primavera” T-shirt, designed by Ubeefe (eco-friendly cotton) and exclusive to the crowdfunding campaign.

    Shipping included

    > 128 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend € 40


    · Thank you notes on the record.
    · Access to exclusive channels of communication during the record’s production: video calls, Instagram private stories and videos exclusive to patrons.
    · Preview of the two music videos.
    · Download the record before its publication.

    · The physical record, signed by all of Ebri Knight’s members.

    · “Som la Primavera” T-shirt, designed by Ubeefe (eco-friendly cotton) and exclusive to the crowdfunding campaign.

    Shipping included

    > 169 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend € 52


    · Thank you notes on the record.
    · Access to exclusive channels of communication during the record’s production: video calls, Instagram private stories and videos exclusive to patrons.
    · Preview of the two music videos.
    · Download the record before its publication.

    · The physical record, signed by all of Ebri Knight’s members.

    · 2 tickets for the new record’s release concert in Barcelona or Madrid. If possible, this should be by the end of 2020.

    Shipping included

    > 54 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend € 68


    · Thank you notes on the record.
    · Access to exclusive channels of communication during the record’s production: video calls, Instagram private stories and videos exclusive to patrons.
    · Preview of the two music videos.
    · Download the record before its publication.

    · The physical record, signed by all of Ebri Knight’s members.

    · “Som la Primavera” T-shirt, designed by Ubeefe (eco-friendly cotton) and exclusive to the crowdfunding campaign.

    · 2 tickets for the new record’s release concert in Barcelona or Madrid. If possible, this should be by the end of 2020.

    Shipping included

    > 35 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend € 86


    · Thank you notes on the record.
    · Access to exclusive channels of communication during the record’s production: video calls, Instagram private stories and videos exclusive to patrons.
    · Preview of the two music videos.
    · Download the record before its publication.

    · The physical record, signed by all of Ebri Knight’s members.

    · “Som la Primavera” T-shirt, designed by Ubeefe (eco-friendly cotton) and exclusive to the crowdfunding campaign.

    · Our three last records in physical format: La palla va cara, Foc and Guerrilla.

    · 2 tickets for the new record’s release concert in Barcelona or Madrid. If possible, this should be by the end of 2020.

    Shipping included

    > 20 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend € 100


    · Thank you notes on the record.
    · Access to exclusive channels of communication during the record’s production: video calls, Instagram private stories and videos exclusive to patrons.
    · Preview of the two music videos.
    · Download the record before its publication.

    · The physical record, signed by all of Ebri Knight’s members.

    · “Som la Primavera” T-shirt, designed by Ubeefe (eco-friendly cotton) and exclusive to the crowdfunding campaign.

    · Our three last records in physical format: La palla va cara, Foc and Guerrilla.

    · 2 tickets for the new record’s release concert in Barcelona or Madrid. If possible, this should be by the end of 2020.

    Shipping included

    > 37 Kofinanzierer

Ni en el millor dels supòsits ens havíem imaginat aquesta arrencada! ♥️

26 | 05 | 2020

Portem des d'ahir al matí vivint en un núvol. Després d'uns mesos de males notícies i problemes que se sumaven a d'altres, aquestes últimes hores hem vist que tenim al nostre voltant a gent espectacular que no heu dubtat ni un segon en ajudar-nos a seguir endavant amb el nostre projecte.

A hores d'ara ja ens heu aportat més de 8.000€ i gràcies a vosaltres avui tot es veu diferent i el nostre 5è disc ja és una realitat propera. La sensació que ens queda és que mai no us ho podrem agrair prou, però seguirem treballant com mai perquè aquest disc que ve us ompli el cor igual que ens l'heu omplert vosaltres.

Moltíssimes gràcies!

Desde ayer por la mañana estamos viviendo en una nube. Después de unos meses de malas notícias y problemas que se sumaban a otros problemas, estas últimas horas hemos visto que tenemos a nuestro alrededor a gente espectacular que no lo habéis dudado ni un segundo en ayudarnos a seguir adelante con nuestro proyecto.

A estas alturas ya nos habéis aportado más de 8.000€ y gracias a vosotros hoy todo se ve diferente y nuestro 5º disco es ya una realidad cercana. La sensación que nos queda es que nunca os lo podremos agradecer lo suficiente, pero seguiremos trabajando como nunca para que este disco que viene os llene el corazón igual como nos lo habéis llenado vosotros.

¡Muchísimas gracias!


Josue Angelo Barba
Hace 3 Jahre
Gràcies a vosaltres, per tots aquests anys de festa als concerts, és un agraïment a la vostra feina i per fer-nos feliços ❤️

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