Nou disc d’Ebri Knight - La nostra música us necessita!

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Fertiggestellt am 13 / 08 / 2020
£ 27,130
£ 14,815
£ 25,950
687 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 8


    · Thank you notes on the record.

    · Access to exclusive channels of communication during the record’s production: video calls, Instagram private stories and videos exclusive to patrons.

    · Preview of the two music videos.

    · Download the record before its publication.

    > 75 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 19


    · Thank you notes on the record.
    · Access to exclusive channels of communication during the record’s production: video calls, Instagram private stories and videos exclusive to patrons.
    · Preview of the two music videos.
    · Download the record before its publication.

    · The physical record, signed by all of Ebri Knight’s members.

    Shipping included

    > 149 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 25


    · Thank you notes on the record.
    · Access to exclusive channels of communication during the record’s production: video calls, Instagram private stories and videos exclusive to patrons.
    · Preview of the two music videos.
    · Download the record before its publication.

    · “Som la Primavera” T-shirt, designed by Ubeefe (eco-friendly cotton) and exclusive to the crowdfunding campaign.

    Shipping included

    > 128 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 34


    · Thank you notes on the record.
    · Access to exclusive channels of communication during the record’s production: video calls, Instagram private stories and videos exclusive to patrons.
    · Preview of the two music videos.
    · Download the record before its publication.

    · The physical record, signed by all of Ebri Knight’s members.

    · “Som la Primavera” T-shirt, designed by Ubeefe (eco-friendly cotton) and exclusive to the crowdfunding campaign.

    Shipping included

    > 169 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 44


    · Thank you notes on the record.
    · Access to exclusive channels of communication during the record’s production: video calls, Instagram private stories and videos exclusive to patrons.
    · Preview of the two music videos.
    · Download the record before its publication.

    · The physical record, signed by all of Ebri Knight’s members.

    · 2 tickets for the new record’s release concert in Barcelona or Madrid. If possible, this should be by the end of 2020.

    Shipping included

    > 54 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 58


    · Thank you notes on the record.
    · Access to exclusive channels of communication during the record’s production: video calls, Instagram private stories and videos exclusive to patrons.
    · Preview of the two music videos.
    · Download the record before its publication.

    · The physical record, signed by all of Ebri Knight’s members.

    · “Som la Primavera” T-shirt, designed by Ubeefe (eco-friendly cotton) and exclusive to the crowdfunding campaign.

    · 2 tickets for the new record’s release concert in Barcelona or Madrid. If possible, this should be by the end of 2020.

    Shipping included

    > 35 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 73


    · Thank you notes on the record.
    · Access to exclusive channels of communication during the record’s production: video calls, Instagram private stories and videos exclusive to patrons.
    · Preview of the two music videos.
    · Download the record before its publication.

    · The physical record, signed by all of Ebri Knight’s members.

    · “Som la Primavera” T-shirt, designed by Ubeefe (eco-friendly cotton) and exclusive to the crowdfunding campaign.

    · Our three last records in physical format: La palla va cara, Foc and Guerrilla.

    · 2 tickets for the new record’s release concert in Barcelona or Madrid. If possible, this should be by the end of 2020.

    Shipping included

    > 20 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 85


    · Thank you notes on the record.
    · Access to exclusive channels of communication during the record’s production: video calls, Instagram private stories and videos exclusive to patrons.
    · Preview of the two music videos.
    · Download the record before its publication.

    · The physical record, signed by all of Ebri Knight’s members.

    · “Som la Primavera” T-shirt, designed by Ubeefe (eco-friendly cotton) and exclusive to the crowdfunding campaign.

    · Our three last records in physical format: La palla va cara, Foc and Guerrilla.

    · 2 tickets for the new record’s release concert in Barcelona or Madrid. If possible, this should be by the end of 2020.

    Shipping included

    > 37 Kofinanzierer

687 Unterstützer

0 Unterstützer/-innen

Kofinanzierer/-innen einblenden

£ 8
£ 25
£ 8
£ 59


£ 34
£ 25
£ 85
£ 19
£ 73


£ 34
£ 44
Sempre que ho demaneu i sempre que puguem us farem costat!! Sou uns grans. Un gràcies enorme d'algú a qui vau ajudar a aprovar un màster només amb una entrevista.
£ 19


£ 34
£ 34
Moltes gràcies per les vostres lletres i compromís social! Desitjo que el disc surti endavant i poguem seguir disfrutant com fins ara! P.D.: Siusplau, no deixeu d'incorporar Folk a les vostres melodies, i també s'agraeixen algunes cançons tranquiles entre olla i olla! ;-)