Migration, Sex, History: Africa/Europe

Filed on 26 / 10 / 2013
£ 305
£ 2,120
£ 2,798
7 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 8

    Acknowledgment in film credits and our websites.

    Every contribution is very important for us! As acknowledgment your name will be written in film credits and our websites.

    > 01 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 17

    Acknowledgment in film credits and our websites + link in advance to download the film (SD)

    If your contribution is 20€, as acknowledgment your name will be written in film credits and our websites. As well you will receive the link IN ADVANCE to download the film (SD)

    > 01 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 30

    Acknowledgment + link in advance to download the film (SD) + Journal Deartikulacija

    If your contribution is 35€, as acknowledgment your name will be written in film credits and our websites. As well you will receive the link IN ADVANCE to download the film (SD) and the Journal Deartikulacija I and II in pdf.

    > 00 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 42

    Acknowledgment + link in avdance to download the film (SD) + Journal Deartikulacija + DVD with video-intreviews

    If your contribution is 50€, as acknowledgment your name will be written in film credits and our websites. As well you will receive the link IN ADVANCE to download the film (SD), the Journal Deartikulacija I+II in pdf, and DVD with a selection of video-interviews.

    > 02 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 85

    Acknowledgment + link in advance to download the film (HD) + Journal Deartikulacija + copy of the film on DVD.

    If your contribution is 100€, as acknowledgment your name will be written in film credits and our websites. As well you will receive the link IN ADVANCE to download the film (HD), the Journal Deartikulacija I+II in pdf. and a copy of the film on DVD.

    > 02 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 254

    Acknowledgment + link to download in advance the film (HD) + Journal Deartikulacija + copy of the film on DVD with EXTRA

    Solidary contribution. If your contribution is 300€, as acknowledgment your name will be written in film credits and our websites. As well you will receive the link IN ADVANCE to download the film (HD), the Journal Deartikulacija I+II in pdf. and a copy of the film on DVD with a selection of video-interviews

    > 00 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 424

    Acknowledgment + link to download the film (HD) + Journal Deartikulacija + copy of the film on DVD with EXTRA + book Mind the Map!-History is not Given

    Solidary contribution. If your contribution is 500€, as acknowledgment your name will be written in film credits and our websites. As well you will receive the link IN ADVANCE to download the film (HD), the Journal Deartikulacija I+II in pdf., a copy of the film on DVD with a selection of video-interviews and the book Mind the Map!-History is not Given (http://grzinic-smid.si/?p=1156)

    > 00 Kofinanzierer

23 | 09 | 2013

Hello to everyone, we started a film-research project that is presented on these pages. Now, in order to get some funds, as it is very difficult to get some basic money support these days for projects that are stepping out of mainstream categories, we decided to enter a crowdfunding possibility. So we lunched goteo crowdfunding platform  to ask for donations. We did this knowing nevertheless that the time is not really favorable for asking for individual support, while we will as well try to get subventions from public institutions and funds. Though due to the situation of a pure abandonment by these public bodies of any project that could tackle critically processes of dispossession and discrimination in Europe, we decided in the end to try the crowdfunding model for sharing and exchange. Every contribution is very important for us, so we invite you to participate and also help us with a diffusion through your social networks, emails, etc.

All the materials, video-interviews, transcriptions and translations of the interviews and additional articles and texts will be available under copyleft licences on the project's website:

Marina, Aina, Tjasa


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