
Filed on 24 / 03 / 2012
£ 994
£ 4,948
£ 7,924
38 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 4

    Agradecimiento en la plataforma

    Tu nombre o el de tu organización aparecerá en la web de Kalification, en el apartado de apoyo público. Sí lo deseas con redirección a tu página web.

    > 08 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 13

    Usuario BETA

    Agradecimiento en la plataforma + Podrás acceder a la web durante la fase de pruebas inicial.

    > 09 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 30

    Camiseta Kalification

    Agradecimiento en la plataforma + Llévate una camiseta con un ingenioso diseño sorpresa de Kalification creado por Comandante Tom. Todo el mundo sabrá que tú comenzaste a cambiar las cosas.

    > 08 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 34

    Lámina Kalification

    Agradecimiento en la plataforma + Para la ocasión hemos creado una ilustración exclusiva. Te enviamos tu lámina de Kalification, nominativa, seriada y en la que Comandante Tom te da las gracias. He aquí un ejemplo de nuestro estilo, para que te hagas una idea: http://ow.ly/8Pf6R

    > 03 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 42

    Usuario BETA + Lámina Kalification

    Lámina exclusiva Kalification +`Agradecimiento en la plataforma + Acceso a la web en su fase beta. Podrás ver y probar el contenido de forma exclusiva, durante la fase de desarrollo.

    > 03 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 68

    Asado cocinado por un maestro parrillero argentino, junto a los creadores de Kalification

    Reconocimiento especial + Acceso a fase beta de la web + Te explicaremos las anécdotas, cómo surgió el proyecto y su desarrollo, mientras disfrutamos de un delicioso asado argentino (con opción vegetariana claro :) Sólo en Madrid. (mín.10 personas)

    > 00 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 110


    Reconocimiento especial + Acceso a fase beta de la web + Presentación online o presencial (en Madrid, o con costes de desplazamiento a parte) sobre el proceso de desarrollo y primeros resultados del proyecto. Orientado a organizaciones públicas o académicas interesadas en la interacción entre economía, arte y sociedad.

    > 01 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 338

    Reconocimiento destacado en web y nota de prensa

    Tu nombre, o el de tu organización y su logotipo, como patrocinador en una sección destacada en la web + Destacado en la nota de prensa que Comandante Tom enviará para anunciar el lanzamiento de Kalification a todos los medios y en toda documentación relativa al proyecto + Acceso a la web en fase beta

    > 00 Kofinanzierer

Über dieses Projekt

"We the citizens rate Rating Agencies."

Bedarf Aufgabe Minimum Optimum
Programación Web
Creación de la web + diseño de interfaz + Programación puntuación usuarios + Implementación feed de noticias
£ 2,000
Desarrollo e implementación de las visualizaciones ( Visualización mapa democrático deuda soberana + Datos realidad agencias vs. visión de los ciudadanos + Simulación variación en la bolsa por el valor democrático)
£ 2,085
Gestión de recompensas
Producción, gestión, envíos y gastos adicionales de material de retorno.
£ 761
Gestión y desarrollo
Gestión y desarrollo de la plataforma
£ 1,861
Difusión y comunicación
Tareas de difusión, dinamización, comunicación para la participación y difusión de la plataforma. Tanto en el terreno online como offline.
£ 930
Programación adicional
Sindicación de datos de visualización con Redes Sociales.
£ 85
Bedarf Infrastruktur Minimum Optimum
Dominio y alojamiento (1º año)
Dominio y almacenamiento online donde estará alojada la plataforma (1 año)
£ 101
Dominio y Alojamiento (2º año)
Dominio y almacenamiento online donde estará alojada la plataforma (2º año)
£ 101
Gesamt £ 4,948 £ 7,924

Allgemeine Informationen

Rating Agencies and their reviews are undoubtedly among the responsible agents for the global crisis. Their praxis have been denounced and it has been widely proved that their thorougness is hardly reliable.
However, while citizens all over the world suffer the consequences of their behaviour, no government has limited the power of these companies. Furthermore, it is increasing.

But, What is a Rating Agency and what is its real worth?

How far do their decisions affect our daily basis?

Can we react in a creative and demanding way before their ratings?

Kalification is a platform created to rate Rate Agencies. A pedagogical project, artistic and critical which intends to serve as a global platform aimed to learn, consider and get awareness around rating agencies and their influence in citizens real life. We intend to recover the power of real information in order to generate open data and share spot values placing these agents where they really are.

For further information about us and our aim please read us at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Credit_rating_agency


Kalification is an online platform, open source aimed to share information and resources.

The concept is based upon an axis rotation: it will be citizens who will rate and value rating agencies, using the same tools they employ to review countries economies risks, and us, ultimately.

In Kalification, we will find everything regarding these agencies. Information related to their origin, what they do, how they act, what are their criteria, why they are critized... an updated information feed, through which, users, will be able to get awareness and generate their own rating objectively and critically.

With their ratings, users will be able, in a final state, to change the global map of countries debt risk rate, building up a new democratic thermometer wich enables us to make simulations of how their ratings influence stocks exchange and security market worldwide in a deliberated and calculated way. In short, these tools, must be able to change the scene these agencies propose, getting awareness of the power to change we have individually and more important, collectively.

Warum das wichtig ist

Kalification is a social transformation based upon learning.

It is aimed to society in general, bringing over our capacity to change reality and acquire solid basis to do it.

On the other hand, is an open source platform in a continuous development, born with the interest of being an open space to citizens ideas, computer programmers, electronic artists and everyone who wants to contribute with the project, bringing over ideas, development projets, know-how or information.... All help will be welcome.

Ziele der Crowdfunding Kampagne

Through Kalification, we want to develope an honest real awareness and knowledge regarding rating agencies, aimed to understand their mechanisms which enable us to value the real weigh they should have in our daily basis. We must be aware of how to limit their influence, we have got the power to do it.

We will create a public data base, worldwide, with a rating agencies classification.

We hope kalification grows in a way that can become a pressure tool at the citizens everywhere disposal limiting these agencies power.

Through Crowfunding we are searching sponsorship and financing sources to get started. And of course any kind of collaboration of any one who can provide ideas, technical support, translations, know-how or any way that help us grow.

Kalification is opensource and clear. Everything published will be free licensed.

Team und Erfahrung

Through Kalification, we want to develope an honest real awareness and knowledge regarding rating agencies, aimed to understand their mechanisms which enable us to value the real weigh they should have in our daily basis. We must be aware of how to limit their influence, we have got the power to do it.

We will create a public data base, worldwide, with a rating agencies classification.

We hope kalification grows in a way that can become a pressure tool at the citizens everywhere disposal limiting these agencies power.

Through Crowfunding we are searching sponsorship and financing sources to get started. And of course any kind of collaboration of any one who can provide ideas, technical support, translations, know-how or any way that help us grow.

Kalification is opensource and clear. Everything published will be free licensed.

Gesellschaftliches Engagement