Filed on 25 / 11 / 2013
£ 279
£ 8,742
£ 13,092
9 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 4

    Acknowledgement for supporting

    All contributions are important. If you want to help us with this contribution, your name will be on the section of acknowledgments on the website of InnoEPOC

    > 02 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 17

    Exclusive videos of the making-off of the instrument

    We will send you 3 exclusive videos in HD showing the making-off of the instrument in 3 phases of development: initial (design process), intermediate (construction of the instrument), and final (instrument running) + In the credits of the 3 videos will appear your name as a funder + Previous Reward

    > 03 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 42

    Virtual presentation of the instrument

    A virtual tour to our Research Centre, where we will arrange a videocall to show you our laboratories and facilities, introduce the instrument developed, and comment with the researchers of the project whatever you want to know in regard to the project + Previous Rewards

    > 01 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 101

    Visit to our facilities

    A visit to our Research Center in Terrassa where the researchers who work in the project will show you our Center, introduce the instrument so that you can touch it and see it working, and discuss those issues that personally you want to know concerning the project (Note: travel and accommodation expenses are not included) + Previous Rewards

    > 01 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 422

    Bronze Sponsor

    If you are a person or institution motivated by the project, you will become our Bronze Sponsor. Your name and logo/brand (if any) will be mentioned as Sponsor in all online, media and scientific communications associated with the project + You will be in personal contact with the project team by phone and email + We offer you to personally present the project in your location and make you a training about the operation and performance of the instrument (Note: travel and accommodation expenses are not included) + Previous Rewards

    > 00 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 1,689

    Silver Sponsor

    This includes all the benefits of Bronze Sponsor + Offers you to test the prototype developed for a limited time to be agreed (Note: not included the cost of travel and accommodation as well as the shipping expenses of the prototype if necessary)

    > 00 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 3,801

    Gold Sponsor

    If you are a person or institution very motivated and interested by the project, with this contribution you will become the Gold Sponsor. Your name and logo/brand (if any) will be mentioned as the Main Sponsor in all online, press and scientific communications related to the project. This category includes all the benefits of Silver Sponsor + Allows you to participate in the development of the prototype by choosing up to 2 customized features that we will include and will be agreed between you and us

    > 00 Kofinanzierer

9 Unterstützer

0 Unterstützer/-innen

Kofinanzierer/-innen einblenden

£ 42


£ 25


£ 21
£ 17
£ 101
£ 17
£ 4
£ 8
£ 42


Hace 1 Dekade
Profesionales sanitarios especialistas en aparato respiratorio y EPOC: Nos interesa mucho contar con la colaboración de profesionales sanitarios especialistas en aparato respiratorio y que trabajen con pacientes con EPOC (neumólogos, fisioterapeutas de rehabilitación respiratoria, etc.), para conocer de primera mano las necesidades actuales a la hora de mejorar los tratamientos de pacientes con EPOC, cuáles son las funcionalidades específicas que debería incorporar el instrumento que proponemos para ayudar a mejorar el diagnóstico de dichos enfermos, y las características de operatividad que debería tener para su futuro uso por parte del profesional sanitario en un entorno clínico.
Hace 1 Dekade
Diseñadores y programadores web: Nos encantaría contar con la colaboración de programadores web para desarrollar la página web pública del proyecto. Cualquier ayuda para que sea atractiva, completa y robusta, ¡será muy bienvenida!.
Hace 1 Dekade
Difusión y comunicación: Necesitamos personas motivadas por el proyecto que nos ayuden a difundirlo a nivel nacional e internacional para lograr un fuerte impacto y visibilidad. Social media, community y record managers (entre otros) que nos presten su colaboración para estas tareas de difusión...¡estaremos encantados de contar con su ayuda!.