Incursed en las StereoSessions

Filed on 23 / 06 / 2013
$ 352
$ 803
$ 1,071
14 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend $ 5

    Mención + Chapa edición limitada

    Tu nombre aparecerá en los créditos de la grabación y en las redes sociales.También te enviaremos una chapa con símbolo de Aegishjalmur (edición limitada)
    [Gastos de envío a la Península Ibérica incluídos]

    > 02 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend $ 9

    Descarga digital de 'Fimbulwinter'

    Descarga digital de nuestro nuevo álbum 'Fimbulwinter' + Mención créditos

    > 00 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend $ 13

    Copia física de 'Fimbulwinter'

    Copia física de nuestro nuevo álbum 'Fimbulwinter' + Mención créditos [Gastos de envío a la Península Ibérica incluídos]

    > 00 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend $ 16

    Camiseta exclusiva de Incursed

    Camiseta exclusiva de Incursed + Mención créditos [Gastos de envío a la Península Ibérica incluídos]

    > 08 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend $ 32

    Lote "Fan Incursed"

    Copia física de nuestros álbumes 'Fimbulwinter' y 'Morituri' + Camiseta exclusiva + Foto de los integrantes del grupo firmada + Mención créditos [Gastos de envío a la Península Ibérica incluídos]

    > 03 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend $ 54

    Asistiencia a la jornada de grabación Stereosessions

    Serás una de las 5 personas inivitadas a la jornada de grabación de las StereoSessions + Lote "Fan Incursed" (CD's 'Fimbulwinter' y 'Morituri', camiseta, foto firmada) [Gastos de envío a la Península Ibérica incluídos]

    > 01 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend $ 80

    Arte exclusivo "Incursed"

    Arte exclusivo personalizado realizado por miembros de Incursed + Lote "Fan Incursed" (CD's 'Fimbulwinter' y 'Morituri', camiseta, foto firmada) [Gastos de envío a la Península Ibérica incluídos]

    > 00 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend $ 268

    Concierto privado en nuestro local de ensayo

    Disfruta de un concierto privado con tus colegas en nuestro local de ensayo situado en Matiena + Lote "Fan Incursed" (CD's 'Fimbulwinter' y 'Morituri', camiseta, foto firmada) [Gastos de envío a la Península Ibérica incluídos]

    > 00 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend $ 589

    Concierto privado en acústico donde quieras [solo Península Ibérica]

    Concierto en acústico privado donde se desee [solo Península Ibérica] + Arte exclusivo + Lote "Fan Incursed" (CD's 'Fimbulwinter' y 'Morituri', camiseta, foto firmada) [Gastos de envío a la Península Ibérica incluídos]

    > 00 Kofinanzierer

Über dieses Projekt

A project to get funds for the recording of four, best quality, audio and video tracks.

Bedarf Aufgabe Minimum Optimum
Grabación de las StereoSessions
El coste de la grabación de las StereroSessions, que incluye todos los materiales y la contratación del personal necesario. StereoZona ayuda a las 6 propuestas seleccionadas a alcanzarlo con un descuento del 37,5%, el precio de valor de mercado del servicio son 800€.
$ 535
Fotografía de estudio
El coste de 2 horas de sesión fotográfica profesional en un estudio.
$ 268
Bedarf Infrastruktur Minimum Optimum
Costes de la campaña en Goteo sobre mínimo
Un 10% del total del presupuesto va destinado al mantenimiento de esta plataforma, al trabajo del equipo de Goteo en torno a los proyectos y a las comisiones de las transacciones bancarias. Más información en
$ 54
Bedarf Material Minimum Optimum
Costes de las recompensas y los gastos de envío
Coste total de las recompensas individuales y los gastos de envío.
$ 214
Gesamt $ 803 $ 1,071

Allgemeine Informationen

You may think that we come from Northern Europe, but we don't! But as you may know, people from Bilbao are born wherever they want.

Incursed was formed in Aranda de Duero in 2007. Soon after that the band moves to Bilbao. The band was started by Narot Santos and Sergio C. Bravo, and as soon as they arrive to Bilbao, Asier Amo, Jon Koldo Tera and Lander Martínez join the band. We recorded our first EP in 2009 and in summer, 2010, we recorded our first album, called “Morituri”, which was presented in September.
Some months later there was a lineup change, leaving Sergio and Lander the band and joining it Asier Fernández and Juan Sampedro.

Incursed plays a not so common extreme metal style. Pagan Metal emerges as a variation from Viking Metal, born in Scandinavia in 1990. We pretend to mix the most extreme side of metal with lots of folkloric rhythms and instruments. To growling vocals from extreme metal we join clean vocals, creating a very attracrive contrast. Lyrics are based in nordic mythology and scandinavian culture.

After a tough recording year, in November, 2012, we released our first studio album “Fimbulwinter” with which we conquered international reviews. It soon arrived to countries as Rusia. Japan or Brazil. Some of the reviews received are:

8/10 La Mirada Negra/ (Spain)

9/10 Heavy Metal Hell (Czech Republic)

10/10 Metal Samsara (Brazil)

9/10 Folks Metal (Bulgaria)

8/10 Dutch Distortion (Holland)

“It's incredible to see how a small band without a label is able to release an album as good as bands like Wintersun or Ensiferum” - Two Guys Metal Reviews, France

It also was one of the 10 best albums in Euskadi in 2012 for Herriko Burdina.

Nowadays we are post-producing our first music video, made by HappyLatex.

With this initiative Incursed pretends to launch their career working with this new and helpful tool, which is crowdfunding, to get nice stuff for our promotion and fans.


StereoSessions are professional, live audio and video recording sessions in a recording studio. Four tracks are recorded with multitrack system so they can be mixed afterwards. Video is recorded with some different cameras. Also we'll have videointerview about our career. Then, videos will be distributed in different platforms in which StereoZona is working with:, EITB,, Samsung/LG smartTVs, YouTube, etc. The main objective is to help emergent Basque music artists, like Incursed, so they can reach the maximum amount of fans having video and audio support for their promotion.


Warum das wichtig ist

We are five young guys with very nice ideas to offer. We'd like to give this ideas to spanish (and why not, mundial) music scene. For this we need your help.

If you have gone to any of our shows, bought our album or had some beers with us and you enjoyed it, we'd like to ask for your help so our project can continue. And if you don't know us, don't hesitate to visit our bandcamp site andcheck who we are. Or if you don't want to know us but you are a kind-hearted person, any help will be great. We won't fail on you!

StereoSessions recording are run by StereoZona (, musical webTV which has been more than five years covering Euskadi's musical scene, giving chances and making noticeable emerging bands and interesting initiatives that because of their nature are not suitable for general media. Sonorization and audio recording are run by Bigorringo (

Ziele der Crowdfunding Kampagne

This call is open to finance the realization of some Incursed's videos in a professional studio with the aim of offering promotional material of the band and distribute it in all the platforms in which StereoZona work with and the band's own platforms.


Team und Erfahrung

Incursed was born in 2007. After some lineup changes its currently lineup is:

  • Asier Amo: Drums.
  • Asier Fernandez: Lead Guitar.
  • Juan Sampedro: Bass.
  • Narot Santos: Rhythm Guitar and vocals.
  • Jon Koldo Tera: Keyboard and vocals.

Incursed has played in many important shows and during this years we will play in many other. We played in Varese, Italy, in 2011 and this year we will be playing in Ukraine at Carpathian Alliance Fest ( with bands as Immortal, Eluveitie, Korpiklaani... We have also played in cities like Aranda de Duero, Madrid or Turón, where we played in the semifinals of the Wacken Metal Battle ( ).


Gesellschaftliches Engagement