Garaldea Sostenible

Fertiggestellt am 01 / 01 / 2016
€ 15.245
€ 9.590
€ 22.924
195 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend € 10

    Mention on the web

    We want to give you a big thank you, so your name will be mentioned on our website and the networks.

    > 11 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend € 20

    A postcard from Garaldea and mention on the web.

    We have edited a wonderful range of postcards from Garaldea from which you can choose one as a souvenir. It will be collected at certain points in the following cities: Madrid, Zaragoza, Granada, Pamplona. If you are not in these cities we will find a place near your town and get it to you. Also your name will be mentioned on the web.

    > 18 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend € 30

    T-shirt and postcard from Garaldea. Mention on the web.

    There are several colours and design options to choose from, with messages relating to sustainability, downshifting, fight against drugs addiction, and personal and environmental transformation. The postcard will be collected at certain points in the following cities: Madrid, Zaragoza, Granada, Pamplona. If you are not in these cities we will find a place near your town and get it to you. Also your name will be mentioned on the web.

    > 51 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend € 40

    Invitation to spend a day in Garaldea. Mention in the web and postcard.

    We invite you to spend an open day with us, experiencing food and an explanatory walk about the project. We will show you how we are organized and detail the progress of Garaldea sustenible project. There will be two or three open days throughout the year, therefore all the people who have contributed may be able to come and visit.

    > 19 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend € 60

    Invitation to spend a day in Garaldea, an ecological product from Garaldea, a postcard and mention on the web.

    You may see us in the open days where you can learn about the Garaldea project and our steps towards sustainability. We offer an ecological product from Garaldea, so you can take a bit of us home. For example: nuts, herbs, jam or vegetables. Also mention in the web and a postcard.

    > 11 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend € 80

    Invitation to spend a day in Garaldea plus an introductory workshop about self-management of health. In addition, a product from Garaldea, a postcard and mention on the web.

    During some of the open days we will give an introductory workshop about the self-management of health. In Garaldea, we opt for a self-managed health, the use of natural and ancient wisdom to improve and care for our bodies. We look forward to seeing you at the workshop and to get to know you. Also you will get an eco-product from Garaldea, a postcard and a mention on the web.

    > 01 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend € 100

    Invitation to spend a day in Garaldea plus two introductory workshops to: eco-building and health management. In addition, a product from Garaldea, a postcard and mention on the web.

    During the open days we will give an introductory workshop about eco-building. Garaldea strives to use recycled construction materials and materials that are sourced locally. We want to learn about sustainable ways of using these materials for the construction of our homes. There will also be an introductory workshop about the self-management of health. Also you will get an eco-product from Garaldea, a postcard and a mention on the web.

    > 19 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend € 150

    An all included weekend in Garaldea for one person and mention on the web.

    We invite you to spend a weekend with us, with all expenses included. You can come and have a relaxing day here with us or you can join some of the courses and workshops we do in Garaldea (see the above or contact us). We will not forget the mention on the web.

    > 01 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend € 150

    An eco-basket from Garaldea and mention on the web.

    We will send to your home a hamper with products from Garaldea: postcards, a T-shirt, and long lasting products such as homemade jams, dry nuts, art crafts, etc. Also the mention on the web.

    > 05 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend € 200

    All included weekend and an eco- basket from Garaldea. Mention on the web.

    A weekend with us with all expenses covered. You can enjoy a relaxing weekend here or take part in one of our courses or workshops. You will also get hamper of organic products from Garaldea: postcards, a T-shirt, and long lasting products such as homemade jams, dry nuts, art crafts, etc. And of course the mention on the web.

    > 04 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend € 200

    Eco-building weekend workshop with all expenses covered. Plus mention on the web.

    Attendance to one of the workshops as we implement some of our projects: rocket stove, dry toilet, solar ACS, biomass ACS, water pumping ... A whole weekend with all expenses covered. We will not forget the mention on the web.

    > 02 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend € 250

    All included weekend, plus a massage or shiatsu and a basket of organic products. Mention on the web.

    We invite you to spend a weekend with us with all expenses covered. You can take it easy for the weekend here or join some course or workshops. You will also receive a therapeutic or relaxing massage, or a shiatsu session. In addition, you will get a basket of our organic products and a mention of your support on the web.

    > 02 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend € 350

    Attendance to two eco-building workshops in two different weekends with all expenses covered. Mention on the web.

    Attendance to two of the workshops where we will build some of the solutions of our project: rocket stove, dry toilet, solar ACS, biomass ACS, water pumping... All expenses covered. Plus mention on the web.

    > 01 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend € 400

    Garaldea alternative holidays next August, all expenses and training included plus a T-shirt from Garaldea. Mention on the web.

    Alternative holidays are a classic holiday in Garaldea which takes place during the August bank holiday. At this time, we gather to learn about self-management of health, ecological cooking, eco crafts, group management… But mostly, we make great friendships and enjoy nature in good company. We do not forget the words on the web and the T-shirt.

    > 00 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend € 500

    Group facilitation: 4 sessions of 2 hours. Mention on the web.

    In Garaldea, some of us have been trained in group facilitation. Facilitation is about supporting groups when needed, e.g. in decision-making, in the pursuit of collective vision, cohesion, conflict resolution, in emotional management ... We offer the possibility of giving support and / or training in 4 sessions of 2 hours each. It’s necessary to book in advance. It does not include travel and accommodation costs. We will not forget the mention on the web.

    > 00 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend € 500

    Basket of vegetables and organic products every 15 days for 9 months. Mention on the web.

    We will send to your home every fortnight a basket of our organic products, from May to December. Vegetable basket and other products: nuts, natural cosmetics, herbs, jams, etc. And of course we will mention your support on the web.

    > 01 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend € 500

    8 hours training for your group (maximum 50 people) of your choice. Mention on the web.

    8 hours of training for your group (maximum 50 people) to choose from: photography, organic gardening, video, conscious communication, conflict transformation, etc. We will not forget the mention on the web.

    > 00 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend € 500

    50 hours of unskilled labour work. Mention on the web.

    There’s many of us in Garaldea who could help you with some work at your home, your project or your community. As a thank you for your donation, we will offer you 50 hours labour from the group. For example, moving home, extra work in the farm or garden, construction work... We will not forget the mention on the web.

    > 00 Kofinanzierer


26 | 10 | 2015

#GaraldeaSotenible es un proyecto de apertura del conocimiento, y...


¡Queremos que tu estés aquí!

¡Queremos que vengas a los talleres que vamos a hacer a lo largo del 2016!

Todo lo que vayamos a construir va a tener un taller, o casi (todo depende de la financiación que consigamos). Pero seguro que conseguimos hacer los siguientes talleres:

  • un baño seco,
  • una estufa de inercia: Rocket,
  • calentamiento de agua corriente mediante energía solar térmica,
  • instalación del sistema fotovoltáico de electricidad,
  • bombeo de agua mecánico: con bicicleta, o bomba mecate.

La idea es que la mayoría de las cosas que hagamos tengan su taller y que todas podamos aprender.

¿Todas? Si! Todas las personas interesadas.

Y esto será posible por el sistema de financiación que vamos a utilizar, pensado desde la corresponsabilidad y para que nadie con ganas de aprender se lo pierda por los dineros.

Parte de las donaciones del crowdfunding nos permitirán comprar el material y pagar  una parte del coste de las personas formadoras. Para el resto de los costes, los talleres tendrán precios diferentes para personas con ingresos altos, medios o bajos. Y para las personas sin ingresos económicos, opción de trueque. Cada persona deberá valorar cuáles son sus ingresos (qué ejercicio tan interesante).

Habrá plazas suficientes para todas las personas interesadas. Así que ya sabéis, si conocéis a alguien interesado en estos temas, ¡habladle de nosotras!

Los talleres se anunciarán en nuestra web, por redes sociales y a través de la lista de contactos de la asociación. Si quieres recibir nuestro boletín, añade tus datos aquí:

Además se trata de la filosofía aprende y copia, toma los materiales más apropiados de la zona donde vives, tierra del campo o plásticos de la ciudad, y recicla. Seguro que también sirve para construir con inteligencia.  Trata estos materiales  con respeto, aprende a manejarlos y a reutilizarlos…ese es el enfoque de la autoconstrucción! ¡Construcción sana y accesible para todas las personas!

Hoy os dejamos un ejemplo de algo que ya se ha construido en Garaldea , con esta metodología de taller y de autoconstrucción.  OS PRESENTAMOS A NUESTRA SEÑORA ROCKET, construida durante el invierno del 2014/2015.


No te pierdas las fotos del proceso de autoconstrucción.

¿Qué es una estufa Rocket? Es una estufa que permite aprovechar al máximo la leña, reduciendo las emisiones de humo, y manteniendo el calor muchas horas. Y además está construida con materiales de cercanía, reciclados y de la naturaleza, como el barro y la cal.

Y os invitamos a la fiesta de inauguración, el próximo 7 de noviembre.

Lee aquí toda la información para asistir a la fiesta.

¡Nos vemos!



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