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Fertiggestellt am 09 / 04 / 2023
£ 2,573
£ 2,031
£ 2,158
25 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 4

    eayila عائلة (family)

    Free collaboration but we still thank you very much for your support, it is appreciated!

    Your participation is tax deductible! By contributing 5€ your actual expenditure will be 1€. The tax office will refund you 4€. Check it out here.

    > 00 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 8

    'akhua أخوة (siblinghood)

    Acknowledgement in the credits

    Your participation is tax deductible! By contributing 10€ your actual expenditure will be 2€. The tax office will refund you 8€. Check it out here.

    > 02 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 21

    thabat ثبات (perseverance)

    Early access to the short film
    Acknowledgement in the credits

    Your participation is tax deductible! By contributing 20€ your actual expenditure will be 4€. The tax office will refund you 16€. Check it out here.

    > 01 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 42

    altaghalub ealaa التغلب على (overcoming)

    Early access to the short film
    Acknowledgement in the credits
    Screenplay signed by the director (shipping to Spain + shipping costs included)

    Your participation is tax deductible! By contributing 50€ your actual expenditure will be 10€. The tax office will refund you 40€. Check it out here.

    > 02 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 85

    aitihad اتحاد (unity)

    Early access to the short film
    Acknowledgement in the credits
    Entrance to the premiere of the short film
    Poster of the short film (shipping to Spain + shipping costs included)
    Screenplay signed by the director (shipping to Spain + shipping costs included)

    Your participation is tax deductible! By contributing 100€ your actual expenditure will be 20€. The tax office will refund you 80€. Check it out here.

    > 06 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 212

    kifah كفاح (fight)

    Early access to the short film
    Acknowledgement in the credits
    Entrance to the premiere of the short film
    Poster of the short film (shipping to Spain + shipping costs included)
    Screenplay signed by the director (shipping to Spain + shipping costs included)

    Your participation is tax deductible! By contributing 200€ your actual expenditure will be 62.5€. The tax office will refund you 137.5€. Check it out here.

    > 03 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 423

    almusawa المساواة (equality)

    Early access to the short film
    Acknowledgement in the credits
    Entrance to the premiere of the short film
    Poster of the short film (shipping to Spain + shipping costs included)
    Screenplay signed by the director (shipping to Spain + shipping costs included)
    Invitation to see a day on set

    Your participation is tax deductible! By contributing 500€ your actual expenditure will be 257.5€. The tax office will refund you 242.5€. Check it out here.

    > 00 Kofinanzierer

Über dieses Projekt

ESCAC Final Degree Short Film - Help us fund it!

Bedarf Material Minimum Optimum
Wardrobe and atrezzo
Rental of character costumes, atrezzo and art props.
£ 415
Technical equipment rental
Rental of technical equipment to achieve a better result.
£ 474
Bedarf Infrastruktur Minimum Optimum
Transport rental of a van to transport all the material and gas for the respective on set cars.
£ 635
Bedarf Aufgabe Minimum Optimum
Maintenance expenses to take care of the entire crew during the filming dates.
£ 508
Project operating costs
Expenses for festival entries and promotion of the short film
£ 127
Gesamt £ 2,031 £ 2,158

Allgemeine Informationen


Es cuestión de sangre is a short film that we are making as our Final Degree Project at the film school, ESCAC. It is a dystopian story to criticize communitarianism, racism and xenophobia. It is told through a Spanish-Moroccan family living in a Europe where a new model of apartheid society has been created after a series of attacks in the old continent. With this topic we want to make it clear that we are judged more by our identity than by what we do and that overcoming hatred with more hatred only creates more of the same.

To tell this story, we must have the necessary resources to make this dystopian world come true before the viewer, and that the whole development process of the short film we are carrying out can be materialized. In order to obtain the best result desired by the whole team that is making this project possible, we need your help to finance the shooting of our short film and cover all those essential aspects, from on set meals for the team to technical equipment, and thus be able to make this idea a reality, which we have been working on for so long.
Here we tell you more about the short film and all that it will involve!


The terrorist attacks of the 2010s escalated to the point where terrorism destroyed European symbols such as the Eiffel Tower, leaving a huge scar on Europe. This created a peak of racism, xenophobia and Islamophobia, which gave rise to a new system in the EU, the Apartheid. European cities are separated by ethnic groups forcing some to work in deplorable conditions. Karim and Nuria are Spanish-Moroccan siblings from the city of Barcelona who will be separated by a world that does not understand miscegenation. Both siblings and their father Jaume will have to do everything possible to reunite their family.


Goteo is a crowdfunding platform that allows you to support projects of all kinds, and in this way, make the goals of those who are involved in them a reality, therefore, it is perfect for Es cuestión de sangre.
Engaging with Goteo has its advantages. Thus, by getting involved in our project, you are allowed to deduct between 35% and 80% of the amount of your donation (in Spain). In order to carry out this process, you will have to fill out a tax valid document provided by Goteo that justifies the tax deductibility of your donations, so that you can present it to the tax authorities for deductions to be applied. You can learn more about this procedure here.

*It is important to remember that this only applies to Spain, and in the case of the Basque Country and Navarra the deduction of the donation continues to be maintained between 30% and 25% respectively of the total amount contributed.


We are making this short film as part of our Final Degree Project, so the school's production company, ESCAC Films, provides us with the necessary support to push it forward and make it possible. So, during this last academic year, we are focusing on working on all the aspects that make it up with the aim of filming it in mid-April. We have a series of tutors, teachers and industry professionals who are helping us along the way and advising us so that the short film reaches its best possible result.

Even so, making a project of this kind, involves a series of expenses and needs that must be covered to meet our goals and reach the level of satisfaction desired by the whole team. Thus, this crowdfunding will help us getting the right and ideal resources that allow us to tell this story, such as the day to day on set needs to take care and get around all of our team involved, as well as all kinds of equipment to help shape the dystopian world we want to present on screen.

Warum das wichtig ist

The director is Kenan El Mamoune, a student at ESCAC, who, like his characters, is of mixed race, with a Mexican mother and a French-Moroccan father. That is why he has known different aspects of the hatred and rancor that Es Cuestión de Sangre talks about Although born in California, United States, Kenan has been living in the city of Barcelona for several years and has been able to know many episodes of racism in his new city, reason enough to lead him to talk about these issues in a short film. This story is taken to a dystopian environment in order to make a hyperbole and to convey the seriousness of the problems that human relations entail when they are centered on an ethnic aspect.

After our years of career in ESCAC, we as a team want this project to serve us as a way to show everything we have learned both academically and personally, and to use it as a tool to start introducing ourselves into the professional world. During this laborious path, we have learned that optimal teamwork is crucial for the proper development of such projects, so with this short film we intend to continue promoting this type of dynamic, and therefore, that with the combined effort and dedication of each person involved we can meet our goals and push Es cuestión de sangre as far as possible.

With this short film we want to reach all those viewers who can identify with the story, that is, anyone who may have felt excluded because of who they are in a world that is afraid of what is different. As well as an audience able to empathize with the message we want to convey, and thus achieve awareness of the social issues addressed. We intend to reach the maximum possible scope and that all kinds of people can be part of our point of view.

Team und Erfahrung

The whole team is made by students from ESCAC and other film schools in Barcelona, having between 3 and 4 years of experience provided by their studies. We are a team that knows each other well having worked on different film projects in the past, and as mentioned before, we firmly believe that good teamwork and the personal vision of each member is helping us to make this whole process possible. Thus, the motivation and commitment of each one of us is mainly what is driving the project forward.


Director: Kenan El Mamoune
Scriptwriter: Genís Casassas
Assistant directors: Sergi Pidelaserra and Irene Bardallo
Director of photography: Marc-Jamel Dawoodi
Production directors: Claudia Polo and Alaia Iglesias
Art director: Eduardo Muñoa
Editor: Oscar Miquel
Sound director: Adrià Güell

And many more!

You can follow us on our Instagram account @escuestiondesangre, where we will be giving news about the project and where you can have another point of view of the whole development process of the short film!
We really appreciate your support and any kind of help making the project seen! Every contribution is essential and will help us make Es cuestión de sangre a reality.

Gesellschaftliches Engagement

Sustainable Development Goals

  • Reduced Inequalities

    To reduce inequalities, policies should be universal in principle, paying attention to the needs of disadvantaged and marginalized populations.

  • Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

    Access to justice for all, and building effective, accountable institutions at all levels.