Erreka Zoko Hortan

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Fertiggestellt am 31 / 03 / 2024
$ 4,327
$ 2,939
$ 13,361
68 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend $ 11


    • Recognition in the credits..
    • Link to the making off and photographs of the shooting days.

    ¡With the certificate of Tax rebates, the Hacienda the Inland Revenue will give you back a part. See here how much you can get back Tax rebates:

    > 06 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend $ 27


    • Recognition in the credits..
    • Link to the making off and photographs of the shooting days.
    • Memoirs of Erreka Zoko Hortan (Digital dossier of the project).

    ¡With the certificate of Tax rebates, the Hacienda the Inland Revenue will give you back a part. See here how much you can get back Tax rebates:

    > 09 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend $ 53


    • Recognition in the credits..
    • Link to the making off and photographs of the shooting days.
    • Memoirs of Erreka Zoko Hortan (Digital dossier of the project).
    • Link with online viewing of the short film.

    ¡With the certificate of Tax rebates, the Hacienda the Inland Revenue will give you back a part. See here how much you can get back Tax rebates:

    > 17 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend $ 80


    • Recognition in the credits..
    • Link to the making off and photographs of the shooting days.
    • Memoirs of Erreka Zoko Hortan (Digital dossier of the project).
    • Link with online viewing of the short film.
    • Pass for the preview.

    ¡With the certificate of Tax rebates, the Hacienda the Inland Revenue will give you back a part. See here how much you can get back Tax rebates:

    > 02 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend $ 107


    • Recognition in the credits..
    • Link to the making off and photographs of the shooting days.
    • Memoirs of Erreka Zoko Hortan (Digital dossier of the project).
    • Link with online viewing of the short film.
    • Pass for the preview.
    • Poster of the short film dedicated personally by the team.

    ¡With the certificate of Tax rebates, the Hacienda the Inland Revenue will give you back a part. See here how much you can get back Tax rebates:

    > 03 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend $ 139


    • Recognition in the credits..
    • Link to the making off and photographs of the shooting days.
    • Memoirs of Erreka Zoko Hortan (Digital dossier of the project).
    • Link with online viewing of the short film.
    • Pass for the preview.
    • Poster of the short film dedicated personally by the team.
    • Lot of local products

    ¡With the certificate of Tax rebates, the Hacienda the Inland Revenue will give you back a part. See here how much you can get back Tax rebates:

    > 03 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend $ 267


    • Recognition in the credits..
    • Link to the making off and photographs of the shooting days.
    • Memoirs of Erreka Zoko Hortan (Digital dossier of the project).
    • Link with online viewing of the short film.
    • Pass for the preview.
    • Poster of the short film dedicated personally by the team.
    • Lot of local products
    • Option of coming to see a day of filming.

    ¡With the certificate of Tax rebates, the Hacienda the Inland Revenue will give you back a part. See here how much you can get back Tax rebates:

    > 00 Kofinanzierer

Über dieses Projekt

The light is in the other side of the border.

Bedarf Infrastruktur Minimum Optimum
Travel and transport
Travel of the technical team, tolls and petrol from Barcelona to Navarra. Rental of the equipment van and the expenses involved for 7 days of filming.
$ 855
Per diems for the technical and artistic team during the 7 days of filming.
$ 534
Filming Machinery
Rented photographic equipment (camera accessories, generators, consumables and special lenses) and rented lighting equipment.
$ 1,122
Bedarf Aufgabe Minimum Optimum
Commissions (essential costs)
Commissions for the provision services of Goteo and transaction services (5.8%)
$ 192
Accommodation for the technical and artistic team during the 7 days of filming.
$ 2,138
Hire of locations, settings, furniture, props and costumes.
$ 2,458
Editing, sound (recording mixes) and colour processes.
$ 2,843
Artistic Team
We would like to pay all the actors who have been working, for all the work and effort that has gone into the project.
$ 534
Commissions (additional costs)
Commissions for the provision services of Goteo and transaction services (5.8%)
$ 604
Bedarf Material Minimum Optimum
Rewards Costs
Crowdfunding rewards costs (, etc.).
$ 235
Operating cost
Promotional materials (posters, trailer, photos, etc.), dcps and subtitling.
$ 561
Cost Distribution
Distribution costs and festival commissions.
$ 1,283
Gesamt $ 2,939 $ 13,361

Allgemeine Informationen

During the post-war period, during Franco's dictatorship, an old trade became very popular, a silent job: smuggling. Especially in the Basque Country, on the border between France and Spain. Some smugglers did it out of necessity, others as a way of getting rich and others as a way of opposing the state.

The work was done at night, which is why this form of smuggling is also known as "gau lana" (night work). After all, the smuggling was done with products that were forbidden in the state or that had to pay too high taxes. What was smuggled from one side of the border to the other were three things: parcels, cattle and people.

We have always heard that it was a man's job in a subject that until now has been very taboo. But this is false; women and children had very important roles in this team work that was done in the villages near the muga (border).

On the other hand, we also want to give importance to Basque mythology and culture, and that is why the Lamia will be the fantastic character that will appear in our story. This character is a being with the body of a woman and the legs of a duck, and those who have seen her beauty say that she usually lives in rivers and caves...


In this story we will accompany Joxepi, a 19-year-old girl who will have to smuggle out of necessity and to help her family. Telling this story through fiction helps us to empathise and experience our protagonist's journey more closely with her, making the viewer feel Joxepi's fears, insecurities, horrors, desires...

In the end, the short film is a journey that symbolises the importance of freedom and the obligation of the individual to trust his heart and his instincts, to find his own voice and make his own decisions, especially at a time when there are individuals who run regimes determined to take away these freedoms by taking advantage of the weak will and morals of their subordinates. It is, in conclusion, a transition that portrays the transition from childhood to adulthood.

One of the main objectives of this film is to remember and pay a small tribute to this generation that brought about a great change in the way of life in the area near the muga (border) in Euskal Herria. Until a few years ago, smuggling was a topic that was not talked about; persecuted by the fear of so many years ago.

For this reason, we believe it is important to highlight and recall this great work carried out by the people (since it was not only the smugglers who were involved, as mentioned above; it was a common feeling in which most of the inhabitants of the village were involved).
At the same time, the film will have a fantastic tone, since in this socio-political context in which we find ourselves, it is inevitable that we ask ourselves the question: Can imagination and fantasy function as a form of escape from fascism? This short film will involve the blending of two apparently opposite worlds to immerse us in a story where we cannot discern between imagination and reality. It is an absolutely terrifying and captivating mixture of mythology and realism in which a family struggles to survive, through smuggling, under an authoritarian and dictatorial political system.


1960: Basque Country. Navarre. The north. The border. In the other side; light. The war has left strong consequences and the father of the Iparragirre’s farm has fallen ill. There is little money and out of necessity, the mother sends her eldest daughter Joxepi to smuggle at night. Joxepi, fearing for the Lamia, will have great doubts about whether to do so or not. There is only one chance, a new child has been born in the family and the mother can no longer feed so many mouths; If Joxepi doesn't do it, he will have to leave home.

Technical specifications

Title: Erreka Zoko Hortan
Fiction film
Language: Basque
Format: Digital / Colour
Aspect Ratio: 2.35:1


  • To pay tribute to the smugglers' generation.
  • To show a tradition that has been taboo for many years.
  • To show that women also smuggled contraband.
  • To strengthen the Basque language of northern Navarre (Malerreka-Bortziriak).
  • To make Basque mythology and culture better known.

Erreka Zoko Hortan has the support and financial backing of ESCAC FILMS, the production company of the school where the team studied. Even so, being a film shot in Navarra and with an ambitious technical team, the costs of the film exceed what the school provides us with. Our objective with the campaign is to raise the necessary funds to be able to carry out this project which we have been working on for so long and which we feel it is so necessary to carry out. Mainly the funds will be used for the transport, accommodation and allowances of the technical and artistic team in the village where we will shoot the film, during the 7 days of shooting. We are aware that moving a mostly Catalan crew to the Basque Country is a big cost, but we believe that we can only tell this story there. We will also allocate part of the funds for photography, lighting and sound equipment; locations and set design; post-production processes; filming insurance; crowdfunding rewards; and a small endowment for the artistic team.

Right now we are in the development phase of the project, rewriting the script, working with the artistic team and defining the locations and aesthetics of the film. At the same time we have already started with the pre-production to have all the shooting logistics ready by the end of March. Shooting will take place from 2 April to 8 April 2024, and from there the post-production process (editing, sound and colour grading) will begin. The idea is to release the film in early 2025.

Warum das wichtig ist

The main reason for the realisation of the project is summed up in the words of tradition and homage, which we have already mentioned. The work done by our ancestors was so great and important that it is thanks to them that we are the people we are today, always keeping quiet about their experiences because of the fear that haunts them. That is why we think it is so important for this project to go ahead, because many smugglers are still alive and deserve to be heard.

On the other hand, as a director, my connection with my homeland is enormous, and the folklore and the local personality give me enormous pride. Because outside Euskal Herria there is nothing of ours, and as Basques it is important to take care of what we have at home.

Team und Erfahrung

Three years ago we met for the first time at the film school "Escola Superior de Ciema i Audiovisuals de Catalunya", students from different backgrounds. Year after year, as we have been developing the work and projects that the school demanded of us, we have realised that we have similar ways of working and in this way we have formed a permanent working team.

In recent years, we have recorded several projects in Euskal Herria, as, although the director is Basque, the members of the group (Catalonia, La Rioja...) have shown a certain attachment to minority languages and cultures, which has led us to create several projects in Basque. Among them; Eklipsi Morala, Baserria Hartu du Gaitzak and Hitza Eman Nion.

This year, more students that we have met at school have joined the team: Basque speakers, Catalans...

Technical and artistic team

Directed by: Ekaitz Bertiz
Script: Ekaitz Bertiz and Òscar Carrascal
Production director: Malen Trenado
Director of photography: Arnau Graus
Art director: Bárbara Valdecantos
Figure designer: Nahia Beroiz
Sound design: María Bravo
Editor: Mireia Llaguno
Make-up and hair: Marta Caudet and Amaia Apezetxea
Actresses: Lorena Mariñelarena, Aroa Bertiz and Aritz Bertiz

Gesellschaftliches Engagement

Sustainable Development Goals

  • Gender Equality

    Gender equality is not only a fundamental human right, but a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world.

  • Sustainable Cities and Communities

    There needs to be a future in which cities provide opportunities for all, with access to basic services, energy, housing, transportation and more.

  • Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

    Access to justice for all, and building effective, accountable institutions at all levels.