Eguzki Dantza

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Filed on 08 / 06 / 2014
$ 504
$ 9,835
$ 14,234
10 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend $ 11

    Vídeo Danza del Corazón Único/ One Heart Dance

    the investor will receive a video, that collects everything happened during those 10 days and 10 nights of continuous dance, aside from being named in the end credits of the video, giving the thanks. In this way, you can see the reason why you bet.

    > 01 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend $ 32

    Medal and Ashes

    The medal is made of deer antler and from time immemorial has been used for its beneficial effects for the heart.
    Ashes are guardians of memory. The ash of the Fire in Pagorriaga during the event, will be used to expand the universal desire.
    A medal and ashes will be sent by mail.

    > 02 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend $ 54

    Know the Eternal Fire Altar + Vegetable basket

    Come to Pagorriaga and know the Eternal Fire Altar with the possibility of carry away a basket of vegetables taked in the orchard of the farm, as a result of an affective relationship with the Earth.

    > 00 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend $ 75


    Basket with products of farmers from the area: 1/2 Idiazabal cheese produced in Arreta homestead (Beizama). They have won three gold medals in various world championships and champion of Spain with different medals. – A bottle of Txakoli, ecologically produced in Urkizahar (Beizama). – We will give you all this, in a basket which is done by Matxin from Matxinbenta.

    *This basket will be sent to the address you requested. Take in account, that we do not take care of the shipping costs, we will send it against repayment.

    > 00 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend $ 86

    A day in Pagorriaga

    Live the experience of spend a day at the homestead Pagorriaga and sleep one night in the yurt that sits right there.
    Weekend st* To specify dates, call to Pagorriaga homestead. Only the first 25 donations can choose a arting from July, otherones will have to accommodate to the schedule of the agroturism.

    > 00 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend $ 129

    A day in Pagorriaga + Osanatur’s service to choose

    As in the previous reward, we offer the experience of spend a day in Pagorriaga homestead and sleep in one of their yurts. Adding, the possibility of choose one of the services from Osanatur. For example:

    • Coaching and guide by Nature.

    • Coaching with animals.

    • Shiatsu Massage.

    • Psychotherapy.

    • Coaching through the orchard.

    • Also in this case, only the first 25 donations will have the option to choose a date previously calling to the agroturism to receive his reward. Other ones will have to accommodate to the schedule of Pagorriaga.

    > 02 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend $ 215

    Tickets for the first weekend of the event

    Free tickets for the 20, 21 and 22 days of June, for Summer Solstice event, which will be held in Pagorriaga.
    Being able to stay at the opening ceremony at the beginning of the dance.

    • Tickets and accommodation costs are include, but not diets expenses.
    > 00 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend $ 322

    Ticket for 10 days of Solstice event

    Free ticket for the 10 days of Summer Solstice event, which will be held in Pagorriaga hamlet

    *Tickets and accommodation costs are include, but not diets expenses.

    > 00 Kofinanzierer

Bilbo Hiria Irratia

Esta vez hemos estado en la radio, explicando el como y para que de este proyecto:

Buru-mapak gainezka egin digu gaur solasaldi/jolasaldiaren 20. minuturako. Etorri...

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Auzolanak_Trabajo en Red

Se va acercando la fecha del evento y trabajamos en la adecuación del escenario donde os acogeremos. Este fin de semana pasado, trabajamos en la construcción de la segunda planta del cobertizo, despejamos y limpiamos parte de la leñera y cabamos...

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La cesta de productos

En esta cesta que esta hecha a mano por el artesano Matxin, pondremos un queso de Idiazabal producido en el caserío Arreta en Beizama, los cuales han obtenido 3 medallas de oro en diferentes campeonatos del mundo y campeón de España...

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Auzolanak_Trabajo en Red

Esta semana hemos contado con la ayuda del equipo Sustraibarri para seguir trabajando en la adecuación del escenario para los 10 días del Solsticio que tomará lugar en el caserío Pagorriaga.

Durante 2 días de trabajo, hemos cogido entre...

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Las cenizas del fuego de Pagorriaga

En las aportaciones que hacéis, tenemos diferentes recompensas, las cuales queremos mostrar un poco de lo que se trata. Esta vez queremos mostrar las cenizas de la mesa del fuego de Pagorriaga.
El eje sobre el cual gira el evento de Pagorriaga...

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Goteo en casa

Aparte del crowdfunding que te estamos presentando, también tenemos un goteo de personas en casa, esta vez os cuento de una de ellas. Después de pasar por uno de los programas que hace Osanatur, nos esta haciendo visitas cuando tiene tiempo libre...

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Somos mas en Pagorriaga

Gracias a quien se a atrevido a romper el hielo haciendo donaciones, eskerrik asko, la naturaleza tambien sigue dando sus donaciones, hoy a nacido una o un cabritilla o cabrito, no sabemos todabia ya que no le hemos mirado la matricula. Pero...

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