Crowdplanting for the community of the Cemetery

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Fertiggestellt am 27 / 02 / 2022
£ 3,894
£ 3,378
£ 7,601
74 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 17

    Give a push

    Promoters who "give us a push" to the project will receive:

    • A thank you message with news about the progress of the transformed spaces.
    • Sponsorship of a plant or shrub in the new "Jardines del Cura".
    > 20 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 42

    Give a boost

    Promoters who "give us a boost" to the project will receive:

    • A thank you message with news about the progress of the transformed spaces.
    • Sponsorship of a tree in the new "Jardines del Cura" .
    • An invitation to the kick-off event in the neighborhood.
    > 17 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 84

    Give projection

    The promoters who "give projection" to the project will receive:

    • A thank you message with news about the progress of the transformed spaces.
    • Sponsorship of a tree in the new "Jardines del Cura" .
    • An invitation to the kick-off event in the neighborhood.
    • An individual invitation to a participatory construction day .
    • A3 illustration with the transformation project.
    > 09 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 169

    Great collaboration

    Promoters who make a "great collaboration" to the project will receive:

    • A thank you message with news about the progress of the transformed spaces.
    • Sponsorship of a tree in the new "Jardines del Cura" .
    • An invitation to the kick-off event in the neighborhood.
    • An individual invitation to a participatory construction day .
    • A2 illustration with the transformation project.
    • A copy of "Chronicles of a forgotten neighborhood" (history from below of the Cemetery District in Spanish).
    > 03 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 338

    Unconditional support

    Promoters who give us "unconditional support" to the project will receive:

    • A thank you message with news about the progress of the transformed spaces.
    • Sponsorship of a tree in the new "Jardines del Cura".
    • An invitation to the kick-off event in the neighborhood.
    • An individual invitation to a participatory construction day .
    • A2 illustration with the transformation project.
    • A copy of "Chronicles of a forgotten neighborhood" (history from below of the Cemetery District in Spanish).
    • Potted tree to extend the promotion of green areas wherever you want.
    > 02 Kofinanzierer

Visita virtual a los Jardines del Cura

05 | 07 | 2022
Visita virtual a los Jardines del Cura

Los Jardines siguen tomando forma

Os mandamos un vídeo en primicia de los avances sobre el terreno, grabado por José Antonio, vecino del barrio implicado en el proyecto.

Gracias a vuestra participación en el proyecto, los Jardines del Cura cada vez se parecen más al proyecto soñado por la comunidad.
Lo que era un vertedero ilegal, empieza a parecerse a una zona verde, limpia y ajardinada.
Seguimos avanzando para la regeneración comunitaria del Barrio del Cementerio.


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