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Fertiggestellt am 24 / 04 / 2018
$ 5,367
$ 2,926
$ 5,563
82 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend $ 11

    Thank you very much!!

    We really thank you for your help. :) We will also thank you publicly and you will appear as a sponsor on our page.

    > 11 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend $ 22

    Pictures with a story

    We really thank you for your help. :) We will also thank you publicly and you will appear as a sponsor on our page.

    We will send you some special pictures of our experience. We will explain to you what is the story behind each picture and how was the moment when it was taken. :)

    We will also make a video of the show which you will see... before we publish it openly!

    > 20 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend $ 54

    Pictures with a story and a souvenir

    We really thank you for your help. :) We will also thank you publicly and you will appear as a sponsor on our page.

    We will send you some special pictures of our experience. We will explain to you what is the story behind each picture and how was the moment when it was taken. :)

    We will also make a video of the show which you will see... before we publish it openly! As well, we will bring you and send you a souvenir ( surprise!) from our trip.

    > 16 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend $ 109

    Pictures with a story, dinner and concert

    We really thank you for your help. :) We will also thank you publicly and you will appear as a sponsor on our page.

    We will send you some special pictures of our experience. We will explain to you what is the story behind each picture and how was the moment when it was taken. :)

    We will also make a video of the show which you will see... before we publish it openly!

    Also, we would love to invite you to a dinner in our home and to offer you a concert of our musicians, Nuria&Constantin. :)

    > 07 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend $ 163

    Pictures with a story, dinner , concert and tour.

    We really thank you for your help. :) We will also thank you publicly and you will appear as a sponsor on our page.

    We will send you some special pictures of our experience. We will explain to you what is the story behind each picture and how was the moment when it was taken. :)

    We will also make a video of the show which you will see... before we publish it openly!

    Also, we would love to invite you to a dinner in our home and to offer you a concert of our musicians, Nuria&Constantin. We would also like to show you one of our cities - Madrid, Paris or Granada- on a nice and personal tour.

    > 02 Kofinanzierer

DAY 5,6,7 and 8

23 | 07 | 2018

El viernes estuvimos en el campo de Lavrio, en pleno pinar mediterráneo. Actuamos al aire libre en un pequeño escenario de madera del propio campo. ¡Pararon las clases solo por nosotros! Las niñas y niños que vinieron se lo pasaron en grande, y los voluntarios de DRC nos ayudaron un montón y sus risas se oían casi más altas que las de los niños!!

El sábado fue un día muy especial. Actuamos en Eleonas, a las afueras de Atenas. Fue al atardecer y en una de las zonas comunes más transitadas del campo. Provistos de un megáfono recorrimos el campo entero llamando a los niños. Ellos mismos nos iban ayudando a traducir nuestras palabras en distintos idiomas. Muchas gracias a Project Elea por la fantástica acogida, ¡nos sentimos como en casa! :)

Ayer, domingo, visitamos otro squad: 5th School. Situada en el corazón de Exarchia, es una antigua escuela okupada en la que conviven personas refugiadas de muchos sitios. Actuamos en el patio y hombres, mujeres y niñ@s de todas las edades vinieron a vernos. Después del espectáculo, esta vez triunfaron los juegos expresivos y teatrales.

Hoy sin embargo, hemos ido a un centro cultural. Hestias Hellas es un espacio situado en el centro de Atenas que ofrece actividades para refugiados. Con las voluntarias del Child Friendly Space hemos actuado para un grupo “mu salao” de niñas y niños con y sin discapacidad, ha sido un público superinvolucrado y especial ¡Les ha encantado!


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