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Fertiggestellt am 24 / 04 / 2018
$ 5,272
$ 2,874
$ 5,465
82 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend $ 11

    Thank you very much!!

    We really thank you for your help. :) We will also thank you publicly and you will appear as a sponsor on our page.

    > 11 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend $ 21

    Pictures with a story

    We really thank you for your help. :) We will also thank you publicly and you will appear as a sponsor on our page.

    We will send you some special pictures of our experience. We will explain to you what is the story behind each picture and how was the moment when it was taken. :)

    We will also make a video of the show which you will see... before we publish it openly!

    > 20 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend $ 54

    Pictures with a story and a souvenir

    We really thank you for your help. :) We will also thank you publicly and you will appear as a sponsor on our page.

    We will send you some special pictures of our experience. We will explain to you what is the story behind each picture and how was the moment when it was taken. :)

    We will also make a video of the show which you will see... before we publish it openly! As well, we will bring you and send you a souvenir ( surprise!) from our trip.

    > 16 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend $ 107

    Pictures with a story, dinner and concert

    We really thank you for your help. :) We will also thank you publicly and you will appear as a sponsor on our page.

    We will send you some special pictures of our experience. We will explain to you what is the story behind each picture and how was the moment when it was taken. :)

    We will also make a video of the show which you will see... before we publish it openly!

    Also, we would love to invite you to a dinner in our home and to offer you a concert of our musicians, Nuria&Constantin. :)

    > 07 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend $ 161

    Pictures with a story, dinner , concert and tour.

    We really thank you for your help. :) We will also thank you publicly and you will appear as a sponsor on our page.

    We will send you some special pictures of our experience. We will explain to you what is the story behind each picture and how was the moment when it was taken. :)

    We will also make a video of the show which you will see... before we publish it openly!

    Also, we would love to invite you to a dinner in our home and to offer you a concert of our musicians, Nuria&Constantin. We would also like to show you one of our cities - Madrid, Paris or Granada- on a nice and personal tour.

    > 02 Kofinanzierer

DAY 2/3

18 | 07 | 2018

Day 2
Segundo día de representación. Hoy nos espera Elefsina a las 10 de la mañana, pero lo que nos encontramos nos sorprende. Los refugiados han iniciado una protesta, cerrando el campo. No se puede pasar por lo que nos toca esperar a ver si se resuelve la situación. Tras un rato de espera parece que por hoy no se va a resolver por lo que tenemos que marcharnos. Aprovechamos para ir al campo al que vamos a ir mañana, Malakasa, para conocer a las niñas y niños para los que haremos la función. Allí recibimos un saludo con una gran efusividad, todos y todas están deseando jugar con nosotros.

Tercer dia de representación. Volvemos a Malakasa, donde ya nos están esperando, incluso algún niño se empeña en ayudarnos a bajar las cosas de la furgoneta. La representación de hoy es recibida con una enorme expectación. Los niños y niñas disfrutan mucho durante toda la función y nosotros con todos ellos. Hoy ha sido un día muy bonito. Hemos sido muy bien acogidos y recibido mucha ayuda de las organizaciones que trabajan en este campo. Aquí os dejamos un pequeño video sobre el dia de hoy !


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