Cartografía Trashumante

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Filed on 10 / 06 / 2017
£ 676
£ 8,197
£ 9,888
15 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 4

    Agradecimientos en web del proyecto.

    El Proyecto Cartografía Trashumante dispondrá de un espacio virtual de información y contacto. Junto a la explicación de colaboración con la plataforma, se realizará un agradecimiento personalizado a los cofinanciadores.

    > 00 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 13


    Seleccionando una piedra en el espacio Agroecologico Maraver. Con rotulador indeleble, realizaremos en la piedra una inscripción con los nombres de los cofinanciadores en agradecimiento. Registraremos la acción y difundiremos a través de la red social abierta para el proyecto.

    > 02 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 21

    El nombre de los corderos

    En el periodo de nacimiento de los corderos, se les colocarán sendos lazos rojos al cuello con el nombre de una de las personas cofinanciadoras, generando un enlace entre humano y cordero. Realizaremos fotografías de cada uno de los corderos nombrados que estarán disponibles en un enlace para descargar.

    > 02 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 34

    Realización de un retrato personal. Junto a serie virtual.

    Solicitamos desde Aquí y Ahora a las personas cofinanciadoras con este importe al proyecto, nos envíen vía email un retrato fotográfico a con el concepto RETRATO GOTEO. De cada uno de los envíos o solicitudes recibidas se realizará un dibujo. Todos los dibujos conformaran una serie virtual denominada Goteo Retrato. Este retrato se enviara vía email a los cofinanciadores. Se facilitará un enlace virtual donde podrán descargarse el material de la serie completa. Los dibujos originales permanecerán en el espacio físico del proyecto Cartografía Trashumante en Maraver.

    > 03 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 59


    Solicitamos desde Aquí y Ahora a las personas cofinanciadoras con este importe al proyecto, nos envíen vía email un paisaje fotográfico a con el concepto PAISAJE GOTEO. De cada uno de los envíos o solicitudes recibidas se realizará un dibujo. Todos los dibujos conformaran una serie virtual denominada Goteo Paisaje. Este paisaje se enviara vía email a los cofinanciadores. Se facilitará un enlace virtual donde podrán descargarse el material de la serie completa. Los dibujos originales permanecerán en el espacio físico del proyecto Cartografía Trashumante en Maraver.

    > 01 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 85

    Invitación Inauguración del espacio rehabilitado. Visita Guiada finca Agroecológica. Degustación de productos ecológicos. Gran Cocido Andaluz.

    Encuentro inauguración del espacio de trabajo y almacén del proyecto en la finca Agroecológica Maraver. Visita Guiada y degustación de productos de la finca. Inauguración oficial del proyecto.

    > 02 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 423

    Óleo de Santa Justa y Rufina

    Lienzos al óleo de Santa Justa y Rufina. Las dos obras gemelas, recompensas a las dos primeras personas que cofinancien con este importe el proyecto. Se entregarán durante la recepción e inauguración en la Finca Agroecológica Maraver. Ficha Tecnica de la obra Pictórica. Título: Santa Justa Y Santa Rufina Texto sobre la Obra: Se trata de una versión del siglo XXI de las dos Santas Alfareras Sevillanas Justa y Rufina. En ella se realiza una simplificación y adaptación conjunta de la tipología de representación de las santas a través de distintas versiones históricas. Pretende ser un llamado a la reflexión sobre la situación actual de la Alfarería, advirtiendo del peligro de la espectacularización de la práctica al servicio del turismo de masas. Obra pictórica realizada entre 2016 y 2017. Compuesta por dos lienzos de medida 45x55. Oleo-Lienzos “La Bola” Ronda.

    > 00 Kofinanzierer

Über dieses Projekt

Andaluza Art Project Transhumant Artistic. Creator of mobile exhibition files on parallel cultures.

Bedarf Infrastruktur Minimum Optimum
Rehabilitación-ubicación de espacio de trabajo y almacén de los archivos expositivos. Maraver. Sierra de Ronda. Málaga.
Contamos con un espacio físico cedido por la finca Agroecológica Maraver. Una antigua cuadra. En ella crearemos el espacio central-almacenamiento y trabajo- permanente de ida y vuelta de los distintos archivos informativos. A través de Goteo iniciamos la estructuración del espacio central del proyecto Cartografía Trashumante. Se trata de una rehabilitación de un antiguo establo, la construcción de la infraestructura necesaria para contener los distintos archivos que van a activarse a lo largo del tiempo. Una estructura inicial contenedora, selladora, que posteriormente va a ir concluyéndose en detalle durante la misma evolución del proyecto. Ya que los gastos son elevados nos concentraremos principalmente en aislar de la climatología el material. Disponemos de una estructura actual. Suelo y muro -ver imagen adjunta del espacio-. DESGLOSE DE GASTOS 1.Estructura de hierro 2500€ 2.Forjado 700€ 3.Revestimiento madera suelo 1000€ 4.Cierre de Cristal 1800€
£ 5,465
Bedarf Aufgabe Minimum Optimum
Archivo expositivo India
Realizaremos investigación y documentación, a través de las herramientas del arte, de la cotidianidad de la cultura en una región de India. Siguiendo la metodología hermenéutica analógica y basándonos en la experiencia anterior (personal y en colaboración a otros colectivos, basándonos en conocimientos sobre prácticas de trabajo relacionadas). Nos apoyamos en enlaces previos que ya poseemos al lugar, concretamente de partida en la ciudad de Varanasi-Benares. Aún por determinar específicamente el área de trabajo. Ver en la ampliación del proyecto el desarrollo de las diferentes áreas de trabajo a abordar. Insistimos en la continua especialización a lo largo del tiempo. DESGLOSE DE GASTOS Periodo de tres meses billete-700€ Compra de material para la exposición y envío postal 900€ Manutención, transporte y alojamiento 1400€ En este apartado incluimos viaje, documentación, adquisición de material, diseño de la muestra, el trabajo y tiempo necesario para su difusión, por lo que contiene presupuesto de los ejes temáticos Material y Tarea.
£ 2,732
Costes adiccionales de REHABILITACIÓN-UBICACIÓN DE ESPACIO DE TRABAJO Y ALMACÉN DE LOS ARCHIVOS EXPOSITIVOS. MARAVER. SIERRA DE RONDA. MÁLAGA. Nos ajustamos a un presupuesto reducido al mínimo, esta cuantía adicional permitiría la realización de la infraestructura no tan ajustada.
£ 1,691
Gesamt £ 8,197 £ 9,888

Allgemeine Informationen

Cartography Trashumante is a project that will build a database on cultures from the language of contemporary art. A practice from which to safeguard and analyse cultural diversity. Generating information that allows us to know and self-rethink through plurality.

We will form mobile information units, exhibitions or samples designed for their movement that will be the result of research carried out in various cultural spaces.
Mainly held on the object, on the material and the definition of it. These are expository designs that function as building blocks for the transfer of information.

Mapping Transhumant is formed in favour of an interconnected heterogeneity. I disagree with the cultural homogenization and the egalitarian globalization that the capitalist ideology has been imposing globally.

A proposal that proposes the exchange of knowledge and knowledge from different ways of being and inhabiting the world. We consider necessary the protection and dignity of diversity. Making a multiple dissemination of the project to all audiences, regardless of training or specialization, by constantly moving the research done in the form of expository projects that will support the project in time.

This is a transhumant proposal. Transhumance in grazing is the exercise of continuous movement of cattle to places where they feed on new and abundant pastures. We define this transhumant project by carrying out a cultural transhumance that forms units of real knowledge about them, through research in parallel cultures. It is a poetic statement where culture defines itself through contemporary artistic language.

Respecting and being aware of the limitation of the readings, since the code of understanding of the human being today is based on a practically insurmountable reality that each person establishes to its members. Aware of the difficulty of reading the other, which currently generates so much confusion in cultural exchanges, especially in the media. It is from where we begin our spirit of analysis.

In order to do this, we will focus on research on similar codes of study in different cultures, dealing with issues such as dress, dance, food, housing, holidays, beliefs, etc., through a clear and well-structured analysis system. Coordinated with information and informative projects of the place where we work.

Generating a physical and virtual information that allows a being unfamiliarity with a culture to penetrate its meaning and way of life with simplicity. Through the artistic medium - in the form of a mobile exhibition file - that forms the project, creating case studies or thematic files of information that can be displayed independently or grouped, according to the requirement.

These mobile information units will be stored in a physical space in Andalusia, specially designed for this purpose. Being able to enter and leave it as the needs are.

The project will have a web space where you will turn your experience as a place of information and contact, the space of knowledge we give to mobile information units.

Through co-financing in Goteo we intend to put into operation a first phase of the project that includes the adaptation of the warehouse space and work of the project, together with the first research and expository proposal of the transhumant projects that this mapping will carry out.

In pictures we attach body-livestock, in a metaphor of the transhumant cultural character of cartography - photographs taken at Maraver, central location of the project. Next to an oil painting of the Kali Goddess, inspired by an altar from the city of Varanasi (Vārāṇasī, वाराणसी) India. A photograph of the block to be rehabilitated, along with a portrait of the 2007 multiple poetic metaphor of the disintegration of the I in the plural.


The project is based on the experience in artistic practices of intervention and research in the cultural reality that I have been developing since the last century, experiences in own and cultural realities parallel to one another.

Proposing in Transhumant Cartography a research methodology for the various cases of theoretical and practical study based on analogical hermeneutics, with a view to founding an informational project of contemporary Andalusian art useful, through a function of transmission of knowledge about parallel cultures that can reach the Different audiences specializing over time.

We believe that the concept of unique, special, genius, original artist, etc., is a vision of art that lapses. The 21st century personifies the era in which art ceases to have that character of divinity to pass to an extreme and necessary humility.

Specific functionality in a new reality for a society in the midst of a crisis of existential and physical value.

We believe in the disintegration of artists' egos in the same collective and common work, which in turn connects initiatives of the various socio-cultural spheres that they want to create with their existence a sustainable and dignified habitable world.

Let us demand the maximum to our immediate world and in this way we will build a balanced society. The present task is great from the different areas of knowledge. From our field of work we carry out in Transhumant Cartography a poetic experience, through physical objects where the primordial importance resides in the transfer of knowledge, in the content, learning and relation to an interiorized plural world.

Welcome is the overcoming of art of the capitalist era, many are the symptoms that are present and this project wants to be our grain of sand in the transformation of an exciting and transmuting human phenomenon in time as is the creative activity in man.

We are going to require a series of infrastructures, necessary for the implementation of a project that intends to continue to grow and be maintained over time.

1- The lasting rehabilitation of the storage space of the case studies and work in the mountain range of Ronda. Space provided by the agro-ecological farm Maraver. Sierra de Ronda. Municipal term of Montecorto. Malaga.

2- Perform the first case study in India. Field research guided by a thematic guidelines of research - see link to blog of project extension

3- Design of the first Transhumant sample.

We will carry out guided dissemination and exposure of a map of the proposal that will form part of the archive itself, with the launch of the first transhumant Cartography project.

Through the different approaches the archive will be specialized and completed over time, expanding the material of the sample. As part of the exhibition, different exercises or practices will be proposed, elements always designed to transmit knowledge and interpretation of cultures.

We started the proposal with Oriente. India is considered as the first option - even to specify specific areas of work.

The choice of the place makes sense, it is a land where previous creative experiences have already been made, with contacts to local people, which can facilitate the complex start of the project, creating with greater fluidity for the necessary dynamics that will later be put into practice in other places and cultures not known. We will begin the first phase of the project in a cultural space that is familiar and close to us.

In Goteo we will carry out the first phase of rehabilitation of the storage and work space of the project, along with the first transhumant sample. For a more detailed explanation of the project see link


Warum das wichtig ist

Andalusian contemporary art project.

It is intended for all audiences, being possible different perceptions of the information according to the experience of this.

Very especially useful to a public interested in culture, in the evolution and cultural experience of human beings and species on the planet. An audience in the process of "institutional" learning as children and adolescents. It is open to the simple understanding of all the public, we insist, is a project that will reach different audiences differently, according to their previous experience.

It is information that all people will easily identify with, in dealing with the common actions that all humans perform. Therefore, identification with one's own will be instantaneous.

It intends initially to develop the samples in museums, cultural spaces, or meeting places of Andalusia, to grow in the exhibition space according to the needs and possibilities presented.
Considering that there is no specific place for art, but that art has to be able to adapt to new needs, the project starts with an open disposition of growth and multiple possibilities even to be imagined.

The design of the sample will travel by physical transport with ease, its design will be conditioned for that purpose. It will be accompanied by a practical guide of assembly, affordable and easy to any assembler; thus generating autonomous and intelligent information mobile units, and with great power of diffusion.

We intend to be a humble project, with this we want to reduce the costs for self maintenance and continuation of the project as a worthy experience, which also intends to be in itself a way of life of resistance to capitalist values. This means that it will reach the maximum possible people, generating a movement of the mobile units at a fair cost.


Ziele der Crowdfunding Kampagne

We situated inside of a complex system of Andalusian art. The role of the cultural worker is extremely delicate in this region. Practically, there is no social or economic recognition of the multi-practices that cultural workers strive to create in our territories, except in some "high" areas of the museum capitalist economic circuit.

They exist because the cultural workers obstinate in it at the cost of our own physical effort in diverse precarious forms of economy and existence.

We believe that the art that will come must be independent from the current high political and economic elites. We believe we have to design the autonomous structures to lay the foundations of what will be the future of the contemporary artistic experience.

Andalusia, with the cultural mix in the time that distinguishes it, must be a living space from which new and multiple proposals of contemporary cultural action arise, thus following the natural creative course of its history.


Team und Erfahrung

Extensive trajectory in relation to cultural practices (immediate environment and parallel cultures - in relation to creative experiences - see profile).

You can not talk about a personal project. We speak of a staff composed of diverse creative experiences around, so we use an image that evokes collective knowledge. Cartography Trashumante is a project that seeks the interaction, always in the search of a reality committed to the construction of an experience worthy of life and protection of the environment. For everyone.
It is the purpose of the interaction with other creators and cultures of Transhumant Cartography, insisting on our fundamental foot, or starting step, the belief in the practical-conceptual knowledge of the community, promoting an alternative knowledge through the intimate interrelation of collective knowledge Between cultures.

One can observe the commitment to the construction of collective knowledge through creative experiences realized in previous projects, along with continuous investigations and expositions realized on parallel cultures. It is this previous experience that creates the character and shapes the Transhumant Cartography.


Gesellschaftliches Engagement

Sustainable Development Goals

  • Quality Education

    Obtaining a quality education is the foundation to improving people’s lives and sustainable development.

  • Decent Work and Economic Growth

    Sustainable economic growth will require societies to create the conditions that allow people to have quality jobs.

  • Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

    Investments in infrastructure are crucial to achieving sustainable development.

  • Sustainable Cities and Communities

    There needs to be a future in which cities provide opportunities for all, with access to basic services, energy, housing, transportation and more.

  • Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

    Access to justice for all, and building effective, accountable institutions at all levels.