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  • Unterstützend £ 9

    We will thank you on our website canmasdeu.net!

    We will thank you with all our heart!

    > 48 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 13

    We will plant an autoctonous trees in the Can Masdeu forest!

    Además de contribuir a la accesibilidad, contribuirás a la reforestación!

    > 44 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 16


    Te escribimos un haiku especialmente para ti!/We write a haiku especially for you!

    > 02 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 17

    Ecological Marigold seeds in a customized envelope. Ships to Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands.

    Para que siembres esta planta medicinal y atraigas a las abejas!

    > 37 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 22

    Ticket for a drink and cake or tapa in our Social Center

    Si has colaborado en la campaña y vienes a nuestro centro social, te invitamos a tomar algo!

    > 27 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 22

    Herbs from Can Masdeu, to be picked up in our Social Center

    Si vives cerca o tienes pensado venir al centro social, te agradecemos tu apoyo con una bolsita de hierbas de nuestro valle!

    > 10 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 22

    Ecological Marigold seeds in a customized envelope. Ships to EU countries.

    Para que siembres esta planta medicinal y atraigas a las abejas!

    > 03 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 26

    Ecological Marigold seeds in a customized envelope. Ships to the whole world.

    Para que siembres esta planta medicinal y atraigas a las abejas!

    > 06 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 28

    Bote de miel de nuestras abejas (330 gr)

    ¿Sabías que en el techo de Can Masdeu tenemos colmenas? La prioridad es que estén sanas y polinicen el valle, pero cuando ahy un claro excedente también sacamos miel!

    > 04 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 30

    Ecological and fair trade cottonbag customized for our backers. Ships to Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands.

    Para que hagas la compra o lleves tus cosas sin usar plástico.

    > 11 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 35

    Ecological and fair trade cottonbag customized for our backers. Ships to EU countries.

    Para que hagas la compra o lleves tus cosas sin usar plástico.

    > 06 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 35

    Ticket for a vegetarian ecological meal in our social center!

    Si vives cerca o tienes pensado venir al centro social, te agradecemos tu apoyo invitándote a comer!

    > 05 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 39

    Ecological and fair trade cottonbag custmized for our backers. Ships to the whole world!

    Para que hagas la compra o lleves tus cosas sin usar plástico.

    > 02 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 43

    Wooden water level customized for our backer, to be picked up in our social center.

    Para que calcules las pendientes que te rodean!

    > 06 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 56

    Herbal tincture or oil prepared from Can Masdeu plants, to be picked up in our social center.

    Si vives cerca o tienes pensado venir al centro social, te agradecemos tu apoyo con un remedio natural hecho por nuestro alquimista!

    > 04 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 57

    A pot with 660 grams of honey from our rooftop beehives!

    ¿Sabías que en techo de Can Masdeu tenemos colmenas?
    Nuestro principal objetivo es que estén sanas y polinicen el Valle, sólo cosechamos miel cuando hay un claro excedente.
    Aparte de un manejo ecológico, evitamos alimentarlas con azucar y les dejamos hacer panales de su propia cera (menos una tira iniciadora).

    > 04 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 129

    Wooden plate fire etched by hand with your name, your company' s name or your message, to be displayed in the social center.

    Si quieres dejar un mensaje, tu nombre o el de tu empresa dentro de las nuevas infraestructuras, en la parte de carpintería.

    > 08 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 259

    Traditional ceramic tile painted by hand with your name, your company's name or your message, to be displayed in the social center.

    Si quieres dejar un mensaje, tu nombre o el de tu empresa y que lo incluyamos en las obras.

    > 00 Kofinanzierer
  • Unterstützend £ 518

    Insect hotel, fire etched with a special thanks message, built by people with functional diversity. To be picked up in Can Masdeu.

    Para que lo tengas en tu vivienda u oficina y proporciones espacio a polinizadores y otros insectos beneficiosos.

    > 00 Kofinanzierer
Our collective reward after Goteo's campaign is already available through our project's website.
We made it! Campaign successfully funded in Goteo thanks to lots of people.
Our 2nd round in Goteo will be over soon. Click here and follow the last details.
We made it! Campaign successfully funded in Goteo thanks to lots of people ;)
3 days are nothing! If you haven't contributed yet, what are you waiting for? These guys already did it.
Among all of us it's possible! Thank you for helping us achieve it with Goteo!
Wow! A donation of €1,000 to our campaign in Goteo, many thanks!
Will we make it? One week left and we still need to achieve the minimum goal!
Thanks to people's support, our project is very close to become true!
Two hundred contributors already... It's not just a campaign, its a dream machine!
We have received a donation of €500 in the campaign, thank you!
Half way of our campaign in Goteo, find here other ways to help beyond donating.
We are nearly 100, feel like giving it a try and help us reach that?
Getting here has merit: 50% of the funding goal is over!
It's been week now we launched our campaign. Find our reasons here (click).
Click here and learn what we will do if we succeed in our crowdfunding campaign.
Do you know about our project? Find more info. here about who we are
Tramo inicial de recaudación de campaña logrado. ¡Seguimos!
First few donations, thanks! :)